Chapter 15: Time..

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(Cara's Pov)

I woke up later than usual to whining at the door. I instantly knew it was Cody,
"Leave me alone Cody I'm not talking to you." Suddenly, the door knob broke and the door opened and Cody ran to me and on the pulled me into his lap. Danny stood at the threshold.
"Why did you break to door knob!?" I said trying to get out of Cody's grasp but he only held on to me tighter.
"He wouldn't shut up! He's been trying to get in since three in the morning!" He yelled before walking away.
"I love you" Cody whispered into my ear, kissing my neck. I squirmed and got out of his grasp standing up.
"What's wrong?" He asked flitting and pushing me against the wall
"leave me alone Cody" I said trying to leave but he pulled me back
"What did I do? I don't know what I did" I looked at him
"Think about it" I sad before yanking my arm out and running down the stairs and out the door phasing and running into the wood


'Yes love?'

'Come find me I need someone to talk to..'

'Im in the woods right now but I came smell your scent stay where you are ill be there shortly'

I phased jumping up into a tree several minutes later I heard Hunter voice
"Up here.." I mumbled as Hunter came to the tree I was in. He looked up, smiled, and gave me his hand. I jumped down and was pulled into a hug from a shirtless Hunter.

"What happened?" He asked as we walked through the woods.
"Cody and I got in to a fight about his family, he woke me up this morning and told me that he didn't know what he did."
"Why can't he move on?"
"He says he loves his family to much..." I said suddenly sitting down on a fallen tree.
"He's a hybrid now, everything he ever loved is being torn away from him." I nodded
"He believes that his family will still love him for who he is, he believes he can go home and mess around with his younger brother. I told him that his parents where going to die and his siblings would grow up and forget about him. He's just so difficult! He will not let it his past leave his immortal soul. He is going to be seventeen forever, there is no going back." I sighed
"Your right, the past will be forgotten and the future will overpower his past, so he doesn't remember his old life as a mortal" I looked around at our surroundings.
"I told him just to speak up and tell me this had been the best two months of his whole life because of me." I looked at him and he starred at me as if telling me to keep going. "He mocked being a hybrid, and said it was the best thing that ever happened to him.."
"At least he thinks being a hybrid is the best thing.."
"Your missing the point Hunter, he said it sarcastically. All he thinks about is his family, I doubt he even cares about me." Hunter sighed.

"You have to look at it from his perspective, he wasn't born a hybrid like us. Nobody in the pack was born a hybrid, Cody lived a normal life as a human. Dating girls, going to school, not having a thirst for blood, or raging hormones." I looked at him
"You have a point but everyone put there past behind them after three months being turned. I read his mind during the fight. He first wanted to mark me, then he thought the mate thing was stupid"
Hunter placed his hand on my back
"In time he will learn to let go, perhaps after he marks you are mates with you."
"I don't want to be marked yet though." He kissed my temple.

"Did you tell Cody about my past?" He asked
"No why?"
"His mind is on him, he wonders who he is, he thinks its me."
"When we fought, he told me he was jealous of you, but I told him you where like a protective brother when it come to mates. Now I remember I said that to him when I was explaining you to him in the living room"
"I'm not proud of my past."


Hunter had came through the door drunk again, and he brought another girl home for the 6th time this week. I turned to Shane

"What have we done?" I asked
"We have done nothing I'm sure this is just a phase" he replied. It wasn't a phase, he brought home three girls a night just to pleasure his wolfs desires. He was like that for a good year
"Shane we did something wrong raising him, I can't help be feel that something went wrong." I said as another cry from the girl upstairs. Shane came up to me hugging me tightly as I cried into his chest.
"Look at me" he said softly I whipped my eyes before looking at him
"It was not our fault. Remember when Hunter's mate rejected him?" I nodded "he's doing this just to keep his mind off a mate, Love it was not your fault you raised him as if he was your own child. In time he will pay from the mistakes he's made. He will find a mate on his own time, but first me must release the monster that is inside him."

The days went on we locked Hunter down in the cellar for a month. I couldn't go down there I would sit by the door and listen to him thrash in the chains, but I would never take a step inside. Shane cared for me and I listened to his cries, he was close. I knew that he was a keeper, I would put my life on the line for him, Shane, and my pack. One day Shane had told me that Hunter does not believe that I have loved him through everything, he believes that I'd like to watch him suffer as he tried to get out.

He didn't know my side of the story the pain and agony i went through, and that was the day I stepped into the cellar. His shirt was laying on the floor ripped, the door had shut heavily behind me causing it to slam. His gaze met mine, but he quickly looked at the floor.

"I have failed you and Shane with my filthy pleasure, It has come to my senses that what I have done was wrong to the women that I had over. I couldn't control myself the-"
"What makes you think you can control your self now Hunter?" I asked standing in front of him "I want you to live a normal life, like the one you where living before the girls..I am eager to release you if you change your ways."

"I swear" I looked at him and he was telling the truth I unchained him.

"Why did you let me stay here for a month? I thought you loved me."
"I do not love you in a boyfriend way, it was for your own good."
"Look around Hunter you have changed into something I don't even realize anymore"
"Some people grow up" he said putting a strand of hair behind my ear. It was hard to be forceful with him because he was taller then me and he looked older. I caught him trying to kiss me and I pushed him back.
"I have a mate that I love dearly, and I will not risk our relationship."
"He doesn't have to know" he said stroking my arm I grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall
"Don't touch me or I will kill you." He pushed me off.
"You won't, you have no desire tot kill me. You raised me as if I where your son, you love me to much to kill and plus I'm the only one left of our kind."
"Our kind?"
"You know the original hybrids?"
"Your not ready to leave your mind is still on the same path" I said putting him into chains.

(End of Flashback)

"Lets head home.." Hunter said I nodded
"Do you think I should make up with Cody?" He shrugged,
"I don't get into Alpha business anymore" I laughed looking up at him
"Your always going to be the one I go to when Cody strays, ya know?"
"I feel honored" we laughed again before reaching the pack house.

Once I walked in I was tackled by Cody, he threw me over his shoulder and took me to our room. He set me down gently before kneeling in front of me
"Before you get mad hear me ou-" I kissed him roughly in mid sentence, I didn't need him to tell me he loves when I can see it in his eyes. Cody pushed me down into the bed, and kissed me rougher. I tangled my hands in his hair as he nipped at my bottom lip. I allowed him the entrance and our tongues fought against each other. Cody's hands roamed all over my body stopping at the bottom of my shirt and tugging down on it, which was the usually hint that he wanted it off. I sat up and broke the kiss for a second to get my shirt over my head, we flipped to where I was in top and soon Cody's shirt was pulled off of him.


Thanks to everyone who reads my story means a lot! I really want to know y'all's opinion comment?
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