Chapter 23

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(Author's Note: There have been questions about the meaning of the American phrase:

"Don't lose your old key or you won't get any new key." in the story. If you say "new key" fast, it sounds like "nookie".

I'll let you google that. :)

Chapter 23

As Robbie and Tambry walked to the strip mall music store holding hands, they were going to pass the shack along the way. As they approached Tambry saw Dipper with a push broom sweeping the front porch. He was wearing a black tank top and blue jeans and mountain boots as he worked, biceps flexing as he pushed and pulled the broom back and forth. He paused to take off his hat and wipe his forehead, and then Wendy came out with a can of Pitt. Dipper took it and then kissed her. He put his hat back on and Wendy grabbed the brim and swiveled it side to side as if to adjust it and then she turned around to go back inside. Dipper made no attempt to hide his stare as she strutted back inside, with a sway that was never part of the pre-Dipper walk. Even from this distance Tambry could see him smiling and see the admiration in his eyes. I have never seen Robbie look at me that way.

She then turned to look at Robbie. He had been watching her.

"So what are the losers up to?" He faced forward again trying to seem casual.

He is always critical.

"Nothing actually. Except flirting..." She said it with a smile and hoped he got the hint.

"Ugh. They deserve each other. In the worst way." He said it without humor.

"...and kissing."

He looked at her as she said it. She smiled with lowered eyes and turned away from him to look ahead as they kept walking, and even felt like adding a little sway to her walk too, knowing her short maroon skirt would emphasize her walk, and tried stepping with more of a strut to bounce a little milkshake under her plum colored sweater and white tee. But he didn't seem to pick up on her vibe.

"A fourteen year old slobbering all over her? She's lost her mind."

Tambry frowned and threw off his hand. "Tch!"

"What?" The scorn was loud in his voice.

She ignored him and kept walking. Then before they were completely past the shack, she looked back at Dipper one more time. But this time he saw them. He took off his hat and used it to wave. He was smiling with sincerity.

She waved back. He never liked he must be...could it be he is waving at me? We always got along...well, more or less. She smiled too as she kept waving.

I'm glad he doesn't lump me together with Robbie. He takes each person on their own. Wendy is right, he is a nice guy.

She turned around to face forward again but she wasn't really looking. She didn't notice Robbie was watching her again.

And he's kinda cute too. She smiled and suddenly felt good inside, unaware of Robbie trying to broadcast a very unhappy look.


At the music store Robbie forgot all about Tambry as he took the first electric guitar off the wall and then began checking the tuning.

"Not again Valentino. When are you gonna buy one?" The store manager shook his head as he said it.

"Hey, I'm a potential customer! You wanna kill a sale?"

The manager walked back to the register. He knew the routine: Robbie will pick up every guitar, tune it, then play a few rifts, then put it back and pick up the next guitar and repeat. Then he would move to the electric bass guitars. Then the drums. Then the amps and microphones. Then leave. Without buying anything.

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