This Girl...

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"Honey! Jen's l0oking f0r u ouTside." Mark's m0m.

Mark w0ndEreD why and realized that she wanted his aut0graph. He went outside and f0und her walKing ar0und their gardEn...and talking to...fl0wers??

"U kn0w what, u r t0o blesseD cAused u have a hands0me Marky.." Jen t0ld d in0cent plant,n0t n0ticing Mark. She t0uched it. Mark cleareD his thr0at to ann0unce hIs presence. Jen alm0st jumped in surprise and to thInk that Mark had heard her talKing to their fl0wers. XD

"ah..oh..ehehe..Hi Marky?" she greEteD awkwardly. Mark l0okeD at her curi0sly.

"Are u ok?" he askeD.

Jen laugheD at herself. "Yeah Mark, sure I'm ok." she said reaSsuringly.

"You're a shame Jen." she whIsPeReD to herself.

"You're saying s0methIng?" Mark askeD.

"Oh, n-n0 n0. I was just c0ugHing." she allibieD and trieD hard to c0ugH. What an awkward sitUati0n. How she wisheD f0r the gr0und to open up and swalLow her.

"Here." Mark said and handEd her s0methIng. Jen exciteDly recieved and openeD it. It's an album and at d sidE was hIs siGnature.

"Whoa?!" she exclaimeD while her jaw dr0pPeD. Then she l0okeD at Mark and exciteDly huGged him.

"Oh! Thank u Marky! ThIs is...thIs is just so great!" she said and unaware that she's huGging hIm. Mark was surPriseD at that m0ve,buT later on, it madE hIm smile. But s0methIng had awaken hIs mind...

This girl...her embrace...her voice..her's all so familiar. Then,unc0nci0usly, he hugGed her back. Feeling it, and he l0veD fElt lyk he had beEn d0ing thIs beFore.

"Uhm M-Mark?" Jen.

It madE Mark bAck 2 his senses. He let her g0 and ap0logIsed.

"I'm s0rRy."

"It's ok. Thank u so much. I'm the happiest fan in d w0rld!"

"U r welc0me."

"Uhm Mark?"


"Can I take a pictUre of us?" she bravely askeD.

Mark smiled.

"Of c0urse."

Then Jen exciteDly did. But Mark n0ticeD he's tall and Jen's having a hard time so he held her hand w/ her ph0ne and clicked..

Jen was just staring at him curi0sly in d pic..she l0oked cute.


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