The Confession

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The Confession

Jen was lying on her bed when her dad knocked on her door and entered carrying a glass of milk.

She greeted him with a very sweet smile, like a girl who has been given her favourite ice cream.

“Your milk sweetie.” Her dad said. She rose from her bed and sat. Her dad gave her the glass.

“Thank you daddy.” She smiled and drank her milk. Her dad sat on her bed, watching his daughter drink ‘til the very last drop of the milk. After that, she placed her glass on her bedside table.

“Daddy, don’t you miss mom?” she asked after she stared at him for a while. Her dad smiled.

“Why sweetie, do you miss her?” he asked. Jen stared down at her blanket and slowly nodded. Her daddy moved beside her and gathered her in his arms, he kissed her hair.

“I miss her too, so much.” He replied.

“Daddy, why is it that she doesn’t come to see me anymore? I’m also her daughter.” Jen told her dad. He can decipher sadness in her tone.

“I know baby, I know. Let your mom have time for herself first.” He coaxed her.

“Is 15 years not enough for her, daddy? When I was still young, I always wanted to see her, until now.” –Jen

“You have to understand her, we have to understand her.”

“Dad, why do you need to separate? I know you love my mommy so much.” Jen said and looked at her dad. He just kept quiet and gave a little smile yet real sadness was evidence in his eyes reflected by the dim light in her room. Her dad was in his mid fifties,  yet still look attractive, just like in his younger years. She hugged him tightly.

“I did and I always do my best to give her all I have...but that was not enough. Love is not enough.”

Long silence dominated for about a minute and Jen decided to break it.

“Dad...d-does mom really love you?” she asked. Her dad didn’t reply.


“Your mom had really her first love.” Her dad confessed. It caught Jen’s whole attention, he faced her father.

“First love?” she asked. He nodded.

“They broke up because of your mom’s parents. I was her bestfriend at that time.”


“Yeah, ever since we were still friends, I secretly love your mom. I always love her.” Jen watched her dad as he’s narrating his story. She can feel he’s very in love with her mom, and she can feel also the sadness in his voice.

“I want to hear more daddy.” She told her dad with pleading eyes.

“I can still remember how your mom cried in my arms that night when she and her boyfriend decided to broke up. She was so fragile at that time; it really breaks my heart to see the girl that I love crying. I tried to talk to her parents about letting her choose what she wanted in her life and not just to be pushed around but she pleaded me not to do it, of course I didn’t do it even though I really wanted to. If she’ll going to be happy in his arms, I am willing to keep the feelings I have for her for the rest of my life, just to see her happy. Love is not all about fighting your love for that someone sweetie, sometimes, great love is all about sacrifice. It’s when you’re willing to sacrifice your own happiness just to see her happy. For me, nothing is more fulfilling than seeing her smile, smile caused by happiness.”

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