Chapter 11

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|| Helloooo I'm bored and hungry mostly bored! So I'm updating.

It's been about a week now and Thomas still hasn't left the room. Newt left now and then but wasn't gone long only a second or two and Logan was getting frustrated by the second.

Logan quickly went up to Newt breathing heavily. "Newt, I need your help!" Newt glanced up at him frowning. "Woah calm down tell me what's wrong." He placed his hands on his shoulders. "I-I might have been followed here... I've noticed this guy watching my every move... I need you to make sure nobody is coming this way." Newt frowned nodding. "I'll be back... Um... Check on Tommy alright?" With that Newt walked off looking around sighing. Logan smirked walking into the room closing the door.

Thomas looked up his eyes landing on Logan. "Hey..." He mumbled looking back down at the book in his hands. "Hey Thomas. Newt will be back soon he had to check on something really quick." Thomas just nodded flipping to the next page. Logan took this opportunity to attack. He rushed over to Thomas grabbing a hold of his neck pinning him down. Thomas gasped his hands wrapping around his wrist choking. A wide smirk was on Logans lips.

Newt was on the way back as fast as he could when he saw nobody in the halls. Thomas' breathing started to slow down his eyes closing arms falling to his side. Newt walked in. "I'm ba..." He trailed off his eyes wide. "TOMMY!" He grabbed Logan pulling him back quickly. Logan groaned glaring at Newt. Newt hesitated before letting out a scream knowing someone would come. "SHUT UP! NO!" Logan screamed standing up running down the hall but was held by guards and doctors.

Newt turned to Thomas breathing heavily wrapping his arms around him tightly. "C-Come back to me please... Tommy..." Tears streamed down his cheeks. A doctor rushed in telling Newt that he needs to take him. Newt stared at him when he didn't know what happened but it seemed like that he could tell that Thomas was hurt. With that they took Thomas away from Newts arms.

It's been two weeks now, Logan was in the basement for who knows how long Thomas was still in the hospital with Newt by his side. For the first time in two weeks Thomas' eyes started to open. "N-Newt..." He whispered looking around coughing a groan escaping his lips. Newt sat up quickly staring at Thomas. "Tommy... Shh don't speak. Let me get you water." He stood up grabbing a glass pouring water into it. He held the glass to Thomas' lips tilting it up Thomas taking a sip. "There..." Newt moved his hair out of his eyes smiling sadly. "W-What happened...?" Newt frowned. "Logan tried to kill you... He tricked me to get to you..." "Where is he now?" Thomas asked staring at his hands. "Basement..." Thomas nodded sighing. "My neck hurts... Did he c-choke me?" Newt caresses his cheek nodding. "He did... He won't be coming near you any longer I promise..." He leaned in kissing his lips softly. Thomas soon kissed back his eyes closing.

|| I wanted to update it might be short and bad I think but I'm tired now and going to bed hope you all vote and comment! Thank youuuu! ❤️❤️❤️ -Olivia

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