My Heart

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[A/N] i want to thank everyone who has voted/commented/read my story. It means a lot ^.^ thanks! WARNING! FILLER CHAPTER SO IT IS SHORT(and it sucks)! I'm sorry :(
I'll try harder next chapter!!! :)

I sat on my bed after my shower. Nothing, i feel nothing. The feeling is gone.... was it even there?
Im thinking too much on this. Its not like i know what it means anyways.

*knock knock*

I slowly stood up and walked to the door, I could sense who it was already.

"If its about class then next time i promise i'll go" i said emotionless
"Its not about class" Kaname answered
"What can i help you with?" I dully asked
"Its about Zero"
"What about him?" I'm surprised he was here to talk about Zero

I took a couple steps back and he entered the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I know about yours and Zeros connection"
"How do you-"
"Its not wise to get close to him" He interrupted

There was a small silence as he stared at me. I could tell he was being serious.

"I understand"
"Good." Kaname turned and left the room.

I can tell Kaname is hiding something... but it doesn't matter what it is. I already have my mind set.
The next day on the way to the gates i noticed Kaname wasn't with us. All the girls noticed too....

"Where is Kaname?" i whispered to Ichijo
"Ah well he had to go to a meeting so he won't be attending class tonight" he smiled to some girls

So if he's not going to be in class... why should I?

Once we got to class i took a seat by the door. Everyone was talking, on the other side of class though. Im sure they wont notice if i slip out, its already pretty dark.

I got up and quietly left class. I walked outside and the air felt light, as if everything was at rest. I walked a crossed the bridge, stopping to look at the water.

I rested my arms on the railing and stared at the moon. It looks extra bright tonight.

"What are you doing out of class?"
My chest immediately tightened at the sound of his voice. I tried to relax but it was still there.
"I needed air" i answered as dully as i could. I never really forced it before... but it was difficult now.

It was silent and i forced myself to remain facing the water.

"Zero!" a voice called.
I turned around and saw Yuki. She looked at me then back at Zero.
"I didn't know you guys were friends"
"Were not. She is one of them after all" Zero replied.

So thats how it is..... Im one of them. I've noticed for a while now Zero's cold expression toward vampires.

My heart sank in my chest and i could feel my face sink as well.

"Zero! Don't say such things!" Yuki scolded
"Hey don't yell at me! Its not like i hate her..."

So he doesn't hate me......?

I gripped my chest, it felt as if it was burning and,
something weird happened to my face.

Both Yuki and Zero looked at me shocked as i let out a small chuckle.

"Aha, Im so happy you don't hate me!"
I feel strange..... I like this feeling though. Kaname doesn't know what he's talking about. Your not bad, Zero.

As we parted our separate ways i heard Yuki whisper to Zero.

"Did you see her smile too?"

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