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[A/N]So a lot of you enjoyed this story and it makes me so happy! And to give back, i've decided to write a short story for a sequel! Thank you all so much. You all have made me the happiest writer here :)

Enjoy and take care!
Part 1:

"Sana!" A deep voice called from downstairs
"Coming dear!" I shouted and pinned my bangs back.

As i came down the stairs i was greeted with a familiar silver haired man
"Kenna's in the kitchen, i'm going to work alright?"
I kissed Zero's lips firmly and wrapped my arms around his neck
"Alright. Be safe and come back"
"No need to worry, I always do" he hugged me tightly and as he left he smiled at me
"I love you"
"I love you too" my tone was soft

I walked into the kitchen to see a small child with long brown hair.
Her intense purple eyes caught my golden ones and she smiled brightly
"Momma, can i help with dinner?"
I smiled back and picked her up "of course darling, your father would like that, wouldn't he"

After we ate we went into the living room Kenna ran and plopped onto the couch
"Momma when will daddy be home" her innocent face warmed my heart
"Soon dear, your father had a very important task to do for the HeadMaster"
"But momma, he says he's my poppa so why do you call him HeadMaster?"
I let out a small chuckle and sat beside her
"i'll explain it all one day"

She snuggled closer to me as i stared at the glowing fire.

After a bit i began to doze off but was awoken by a knocking at the front door. I left Kenna asleep and went to see who was here at this late hour

When i opened it i saw someone i haven't seen in 10, long years

"Hello Mrs. Kagame"
"Whats the special occasion Kaname? I haven't seen you in a long time"

His eyes narrowed and looked past me with anger in his gaze. I felt something latch to my side.

I peaked down to see a shy little girl, my little girl.

"You didn't listen to me." His eyes returned to mine
"What do you mean?" I asked confused
"I told you. You two would burden each other."
"We haven't burdened each other" i said sternly, gently pushing Kenna behind me
"You created the burden"

"Leave!" I shouted
"You have no right to come to my home. Now leave"

Kaname turned around and started walking away.
"I didn't come here without a cause.
Don't forget to ask your beloved husband why he's been meeting with the Council" he called back

I slammed the door and turned to see Kenna looking at me with her father's eyes, although hers were more intense.

"Momma, whats a burden?"
"Its nothing sweety, lets get you to bed" i smiled and swept her up into my arms and carried her upstairs. I tucked her into bed and returned to the kitchen to wait for Zero.

Hours past until he arrived home.
I heard the front door quietly click shut. He entered the kitchen, he looked tired.

"Whats going on, Zero" i said sternly
he stayed quiet
"Zero. Tell me whats going on" i slammed my hands down on the table. His eyes met mine

His voice was quiet and his eyes left mine

"The Vampire Counsel are going to execute me"

My heart dropped.

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