When The Skies Are Grey

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I woke up to a faint knock at my door. I stood up and saw light shining through the window. Its too earlier to go to class so what could they want?

I opened the door and saw Kaname.

"What do you want" i reverted back to my emotional voice.
"There is a car here for you" he said calmly with a slight smile

I was about to shut the door but he stopped walking in the hallway.
"I was serious about Zero. You two will be a burden to each other." His facial expression turned serious.

I shut the door without replying.
As i got ready i kept thinking about what Kaname said. A burden? What does he mean....

I stepped outside and didn't see a car, it must be in front of the gates.

As i walked i tried to clear my mind of what Kaname said. A small wind started blowing and the sky was dark, a storm must be coming in.
As soon as i was in front of the academy i saw a familiar dark car.

"Hello" i greeted my old butler
"Hello Lady Kagame. How are you these days?" He asked in his raspy voice
"Im well"

Most of the ride was quiet until we came to a place i have not missed at all.

"Sebastian why are we here" i asked
"The Kuran boy called and said you haven't been acting like yourself. So i thought it would be nice to visit"

I sighed and entered the house. The curtains opened but since the sky was dark it made the house dark. The only light was the fire place in the living room. I walked in and took off my jacket, a blonde women came running to me and hugged me.

"Ah you look so great Sana! Hows school?" She asked energetically
"Well the only boring one is you. Why do you sound like that?" Her spunky voice gave me a headache.
"I always sound like this" I pried my self away from her grip and sat on the sofa.

"Hey! You know, if you stop being so dull and lifeless maybe you'll have more friends!" She pitched
"To have more friends one needs to have at least one" i propped my head up with my hand
"Well then...."

My aunt grew silent and sat in a chair a cross from the couch. I closed my eyes and rested, theres not many moments where shes this quiet.

All of a sudden i felt someone come closer to me. My eyes flew open and i stood up out of instinct.
"M'lady, would you like something to drink?" Sebastian's voice sounded as if he needed a drink.

"Ooo! How about you get one of those nice looking kids from down the street to visit us" my aunt let out a small chuckle.
"No." I said and stood up to go to the kitchen.
"Aw come on, just one kid?" I could tell she was smiling
"No!" i shouted
she shotted up out of the chair
"And why not! Its not like our blood line is pure from human blood! Our ancestors drank humans we should too!" She shouted angrily

"No! Were not like them!" I turned around and yelled. The windows made a loud cracking noise and my aunts expression turned to a surprised one.
"At least I'm not" I stated more calmly and walked away.

"How dare you speak to me like that!"
My aunt grabbed my arm and spun me around. She raised her hand and as she brought it down, i clenched my eyes shut.

Nothing. Nothing hit my face.

I opened my eyes and my aunts hand was held back by Sebastian.

"Please, no violence. Lady Kagame just got home."
My aunt ripped her hand away from him and stomped away.

"Thank you..."
"No need to thank me. Thats why i am here" he picked up my jacket and hung it up.

Starring at the human man, i realized something. One day he will be gone, but one thing will never change.
He is, and always will be the man that saved me from the madness.

He is my angel.

[A/N] sorry i took forever to update!!! I wanna point something out, the Kurans have not even a drop of human blood in their bloodline. Sana does, although she has never had human blood. Anyways, you found out who her angel is!!! :) next chapter ill have a flash back about him ^.^ ill try to update sooner this time. Thanks to everyone who has read/voted for my story/stories! :) it means a lot.
Take care!

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