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[A/N] there will probably be one or two more parts to this short sequel! I hope you will enjoy this :) and dont worry i'll try to put zero in this a little more within the next parts
Just a reminder: a pure bloods true power remains a mystery to everyone

Part 2:

"Wha...what?!" I shouted
"Kenna's asleep, don't wake her" he whispered

"Why?!" My voice wasn't any quieter
"Sana.... please" he looked at me with a straight face and pleading eyes. If theres one thing he cares most about, it would be his daughter.

"You should take Kenna and go far, far away"
"You're coming with us"
Tears built up in the corners of my eyes

"Why are they doing this?" I sniffled
"I've been accused of massacring many pure bloods. The punishment is death"

He stared at me and then pulled me close. He held me for what felt like hours. I fell asleep crying in his arms
When i awoke i was in our bed, but i was the only one. It was early, but i could hear Kenna downstairs. I went down, hoping to see Zero there too.

"Kenna Kiryu get off of the couch immediately! You know not to stand on furniture" I scolded and she turned and saw me, but instead of getting down and motioned me to come closer.

I sighed and walked closer to my 6 year old.

"Momma isn't this you?" She asked, pointing at my family photo from when i was young.
I nodded
"I'm the little one in the white dress. This here is your grandmother, and your grandfather" i pointed to them
"Who's he?" Kenna pointed to Sebastian
I softly smiled "he's my angel"

She looked at me confused and i scooped her up into my arms and snuggled her close
"Momma.... Wheres daddy?" She whispered
"He'll be back soon dear" i walked upstairs with her and set her on her bed

"Were going to take a little trip, alright?" I smiled at her and her face lit up with excitement
"Here" i grabbed and opened a suitcase
"Pack some clothes in here"
She ran to her dresser and started grabbing a handful of clothes.

I went downstairs and made a quick phone call.

Fifteen minutes passed and i was pacing back and forth while Kenna was upstairs playing. Finally, the doorbell rang

I hurried to open it to see a familiar face.
"Oh Sana my dear how are you!" A drunken toned voice spoke
"Im well HeadMaster. Kenna's upstairs playing" i rushed to get my coat and shoes on
"I'll be back shortly. Thank you for looking after her" i smiled and he did back

As i was running outside i heard him call to Kenna "POPPA'S HEREEE~"
I went into town and looked everywhere for Zero. He's no where to be found...

I stopped walking, huffing since i was out of breath. Zero.... is gone...

The Vampire Council can't take him. I won't allow it. Zero's innocent i know he is.

I went to the only person i knew could help.

While approaching closer i became more nervous.

I knocked constantly on the door until someone answered

Deep eyes pierced me.
"Hear me out-"
"Leave" the man said, starting to close the door
"Kaname please!" I shoved the door open
He took a step back and looked at me
"They respect you the most, can you please try to-"
"No" he interrupted again

I stared at him, gripping my fist and clenching my jar

"Calm down. If i do, you must do something for me"
I looked up at him

As i was walking home i noticed the sun was setting. I hope Kaname will keep his word and call the Council.
I love Zero, he's helped me through a lot.
I can't bare to lose him.

"Mrs. Kagame." A dark voice said from behind me. I stopped and slowly turned around
A man with neatly combed hair and glasses stared at me with a slight smile
"I don't know what connections you have but they are good ones. Zero Kiryu is off limits to the Vampire Council"
I sighed with relief, this was easier than i thought.

"Someone must take his place"

And just like the i was knocked over by the Council member. I got thrown at least 10 feet back. A loud noise went off. I quickly stood up but not quick enough to dodge the next strike. This time i got thrown to the side and ended up rolling. I yelled out with pain and grabbed my side.

My hand was covered in blood.
My head started pounding and i tried to get to my feet. He ended up just knocking me down again.

Somethings not right. I'm a pure blood. I shouldn't be this weak compared to him.
Thats when i noticed. The noise was from an anti-vampire weapon. Thats what caused my side to bleed. But where did the shot come from?

I should be fine soon but this guy is just too fast for me right now.

I got up once more and the man sprinted toward me.

I covered my ears, closed my eyes and focused on the ground below me.

The vibrations in the ground i caused stopped after a few seconds and i opened my eyes. The man's body was bloody and twisted, he was howling in pain. The scent of his blood made me sick.

I walked closer to the man, towering over him
"You shouldn't try to kill a pure blood" i looked at him as he began to chuckle, blood flowing steadily out of his mouth and nose.

His raspy, low voice indicated he hasn't got much time left. He coughed up blood onto the ground.
"I wasn't trying to kill you" he laughed, still in pain
My eyes widened with realization.

"This was a distraction"

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