Not a chapter ._.

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I've been reading a lot

and i mean A LOT of stories lately.

What i want to do is write a guide.

To guide you how to write your stories.

Of course I'm talking about a Vampire Knight guide. I hope you didn't think it was about anything else, because to face the facts, i love writing Vampire Knight. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE READING THEM TOO. But the thing is, there is so much that doesn't work whatsoever.

This guide will be filled with tips and checks you can do to perfect yours. To be honest, there will be some tips i don't follow either. But i want to share my opinion on how to write a successful Vampire Knight story!

Good idea?
Will anyone read it?
Will i write it anyways?

Just wait! I'll write this and still update! Promise!

Take care!! :)

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