Hello Auntie

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[A/N] guess what! this story will be coming to an end soon. But don't worry, ill write another one and the guide after i finish this :) i already know what the next one will be about. Well, enjoy this chapter (its kind of short by the way :/ sorry)

"Oh why if is isn't my beloved niece Sana. How are you dear" my aunt stood by the boys and let out a chuckle.

"What did you do?" i had a disgusted look on my face
"I did what i was meant to do. I drank blood" she tapped a body with her foot.
"I also took a bite of your rotting butler. Its a shame to let an old man crumble without having a sip" she interrupted

She walked over the bodies and closer to me.
"You did what?" i hissed
"I. Drank. From. The. Old. Man" she paused between each word

I couldn't take it anymore and i smacked her a crossed the face. She held her check and slowly looked back at me. A surprised, angry look on her face.

"You ungrateful child!" she yelled and threw me to the floor, hard.
I sat up but right then she kicked my face which sent me back to the floor.
I rolled to my side and she kicked again but this time in my back. For a small women, her hits are hard.

"You're worthless. Just like your mother!" another kick
"But i took care of that, just like i'm going to take care of you!"
I rolled onto my back and got a kick to the face.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled me to my feet.
"What did you do to my mom.." i choked out
"I killed her" she smiles and threw my sideways into the back of the couch
As i sat there i gripped at my chest. It was hard to breathe, i think she cracked a rib.
"Shizuka killed them.."
"Oh my dear Sana..." she took a step closer
"I planned with Shizuka to kill your parents, because unlike you, i didn't have everything handed to me. But with them gone i could take over."
She walked to me and pulled me up by the hair
"She didn't kill you though, even though i asked her to. I guess that little boy stopped her. but don't worry Sana,"
She grabbed my neck and lifted me up so my feet barely touched the floor
"Ill correct her mistake and get rid of you too"

She threw me again and i quickly got back to my feet. But in front of me, in the dim light of the fire, stood a boy. Blood dripped off his neck, she must've bit him.

"Unlike me, he can hold an anti-vampire weapon. Isn't that right?" she turned and looked at the boy. Tears were streaming off his face.
"I order you to shoot her. And you know you can't disobey me" she had a stern voice as she gave him a cold stare.
"I'm sorry..."

He pointed the gun at me and aimed.
"Why?!" i yelled to my aunt
"Because if your still here i won't be head of the family! You always came before me! Well, not anymore"

As the gun went off, i hit the ground.

I wasn't hit. I peered up at the shadow over me, blood leaking on my face.

He stood up straight. I saw that the bullet just grazed his arm.
I stood up and saw the boy on the ground, crying.

But my aunt was gone. I ran out of the living room and into the welcome room, i could head Zero follow me.
When i looked where Sebastian was, the chair was empty.

"Oh no..." i whispered to myself.
I ran up the stairs quickly. I noticed the attic door was ajar and i hurried up there. As i got out onto the roof i saw her. She held a gun to his head. They were both on the edge so she couldn't go anywheres.

"Please stop!" i yelled over the harsh wind
"No! I cant lose to you again, thats all I've ever done!" she yelled back
Tears welded up in my eyes
"Please, take me instead."

She was a little taken back by this
"Come" she demanded.
I walked toward her
"No Lady Kagame!" Sebastian said, or at least tried to
I looked back and Zero was gone.

I walked to her and she pointed the gun at my head, i could see the gun tried rejecting her since it is used to kill vampires.
"Its alright Sebastian. I've learn so much from you and everyone else." I smiled at him and he seemed surprised to see me smile.
"I've finally gotten better. But I'm still broken, so maybe this is the best way out" i looked back at my aunt and she shoved Sebastian aside.

The gun was aimed right at my head, her hand shaking. We both stood by the edge.
"Finally, i get to have everything" she said like she was insane, and she is.

"Goodbye Sana"

She pulled the trigger

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