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(Sunny's POV)

I happily walk along the halls of SM's dance studio ready to officially be part of the new girl group. We all get along so great, we have lots of fun joking around and goofing off whenever possible. The best part is, I get to be in the same group as my crush..Kim Stella. I met the group three weeks prior to my entry into SM, the company I was initially in had gone bankrupt and I ended up joining SM Entertainment as a last resort. The thing uncle is part of the company, I don't like being labeled as Lee Soo man's niece Sunkyu. People are going to think that I only got accepted due to being family with the founder and executive of SM, which is exactly why I didn't auditon here in the first place and went to a different company instead. But I guess my plans don't go as smoothly as I want them to, now I'm here and I plan on making the best of this opportunity. 

Anyway they're announcing the final group spots today, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Anything could happen, some girls could be let go of instead of debuting. I just hope I get to stay with Stella I don't know what I'd do without her. Ever since we met those three weeks back, she and I have been talking, meeting before and after practice, or just hanging out together. After the first week I began developing a small crush on her, she's so funny, beautiful, bright, amazing, beautiful...gorgeous, smart. I can't stop thinking about her, ah what am going to do?

Coach: Soon-kyu you're late start doing laps! 

"What? No I'm here at exactly the same time on my schedule, 6:30 p.m I'm not late."

Coach: Did you read your schedule correctly? I specifically put down 5:30 for today not 6:30, you need to read better. Everyone listen up I need to go take care of some things, relax until I get back except for you. When I get back we'll begin, Soon-kyu learn to keep track of your schedule next time! Now start running! I don't want to come back in here and find you dry, you better be sweating by the time I come back understand!?

"This guy, ugh he really is an asshole I can't believe we have to deal with him for another week. When is our regular dance coach coming back? I can't stand this guy. One day I'm going to end up kicking him in the balls or even just poking his eyes out." 

Yoona: Relax unnie we only have to deal with him for the remainder of this week then that's it, we're free.

Hyoyeon: She's not kidding though he really is an asshole even I have a hard time with him. He seriously said I need to check my moves because they aren't good enough! Who the fuck does he think he is!? I've won competitions with these moves! 

Sooyoung: Come on let's just get ready to dance, we need to practice so we'll be good and ready for our debut.

"I have to do my laps first though, this fucking sucks!"

Taeyeon: Shh keep your voice down before he hears you. He's still by the entrance with his clipboard. 

"Good let him hear me then! He's ruining my day, I came here with a great attitude, ready to do my part, ready to persevere.."

Sooyoung: Ready to see Stella? Hehehe 


Yoona: hahahahahahahaha Sunny's totally trying to get some

Yuri: YAH where are those thoughts coming from!? How old are you!

Yoona: Old enough unnie, the legal age of consent is 13 remember? At this age I'm already on my way to adulthood.

Sooyoung: Are you trying to say that you've given it up already? 

Yoona: NO I'm trying to say that I know all there is to know about the deed already.

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