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(Third-Person POV)

Taeyeon walks over to Seohyun's room hoping to speak to the maknae without upsetting her further after that morning's event. She's worried that the amount of drama around the dorm has begun to take a toll on their baby "sister", and she wants to help in any way she can.

Taeyeon: Tiff?

Tiffany: Yeah? 

Taeyeon: *Looks over to Seohyun* She's not awake yet? it's been almost two hours. 

Tiffany: She must be exhausted, come on let's her sleep more I want to talk to you about something.

Taeyeon: What's up?

Tiffany: Not here 

Tiffany looks over to the maknae knowing well that she's awake but doesn't rat her out to Taeyeon. She pats Seohyun's back to let her know the coast will be clear for a while, she leads Taeyeon back to their room locking the door to avoid interruptions.

Taeyeon: So uh..what do you want to talk about?

Tiffany: US

Taeyeon: Us?

Tiffany: Us. 

Taeyeon sits still and quiet waiting for Tiffany to continue before she starts to allow her mind to wander into la la land. Tiffany remained silent as well biting her lip thinking about how to start this conversation. She was hoping Taeyeon would take initiative and pour her heart out, but she knows she's too cautious for all that. If she wants to have her confess, she'll have to drag it out of her. 

Tiffany: Tae we've...known each other for years now. We spend a lot of time together, we know each other like the palms of our hands. We share everything with each other, if we need a shoulder to cry we're there for one another in tough times. But lately you've been distant, I feel like there's something you want to tell me. You keep holding back, why?

Taeyeon:'s complicated 

Tiffany: *holds hands* Taeyeon you can tell me anything I won't think any less of you. You're my best friend

Taeyeon: *sigh* That's exactly why I can't tell you, we're best friends. I refuse to ruin our relationship for my own selfish reasons. 

Tiffany: Why would they be selfish? 

Taeyeon: Because...

Tiffany: Tae talk to me, tell me what's going on I thought you would have learned by now that you can trust me fully with anything. I want to be here for you.

Tiffany's soft voice was causing Taeyeon's emotions to go haywire. She was adamant about confessing to her best friend the real reason she's been keeping her distance. She almost confessed at the hospital, she had more time to think after they got home. Tiffany had been very sweet and caring, the more Taeyeon tried to place some distance between them, the more Tiffany would went near and stayed by her side. It's something that would irritate anyone else but for Taeyeon, it made her feelings stronger which made her even more frustrated.

Tiffany: Tae *cups cheeks* I love you tell me what's going on.

Taeyeon begins shedding tears after hearing Tiffany say I love you, she wishes that it could be said in a different form. One that held a different meaning, one that would cause her heart to flutter with happiness and not pain. She couldn't help but feel like her heart was breaking in two everytime she heard her best friend saying that to her. 

Tiffany: Why are you crying? Don't cry you know I don't like it when you cry, it makes me sad. 

Taeyeon: I'm sorry I can't I need to-

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