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Sunny sits alone in a coffee shop waiting for her friend, the scent of freshly ground coffee beans and spices fills the air. She circles the rim of her cup a few times while looking out of the window wishing she could see the figure of the person she wants the most to emerge in front of her. Of course that can't be since she's 6,869 miles away in another country living her life, apparently too busy to even send word to her girlfriend of how she's doing. 

The ringing of the shop's entrance door brought Sunny back to reality, she saw her friend walk over to the counter placing her order before making her way to her table with a smirk on her face.

?: Hey there I saw you from across the room, I thought you were cute so I came to say hello.

Sunny: Hmm is that so? I actually had my eyes on you since you walked in through the door. 

?: Ooh really? That's nice, and what do you think? Yay or nay?

Sunny: Definitely yay, wouldn't mind going somewhere else after this drink. 

?: *leans in seductively* Mmm that can be arranged, let me get mine and I'll get you exactly what you want. 

Sunny: Can't wait *wink*

Sunny's friend takes a seat right before the waiter appears with her drink. 

?: All jokes aside Sunny how are you doing?

Sunny: I'm alright I guess.

?: *takes sip of coffee* you don't sound too sure. What's going on Sun, you know you can tell me anything right?

Sunny: I know, I just don't know if I want to keep remembering what is killing me inside. 

?: *giggles* So emo, is that haircut causing it? You really do look cute by the way. 

Sunny: Thanks I like it too it's easy to maintain plus we save more on shampoo. 

?: Hahahaha so funny, we miss you on the show, Shinyoung unnie keeps crying for you. 

Sunny: I miss everyone too but with the amount of promoting and shows we had to do right before we went on vacation, plus that incident with Taeyeon on stage, everything turned hectic. I couldn't return until after the vacation was over. 

?: You guys were gone for so long I thought you had disbanded or something. 

Sunny: Goodness no! Hahahaha we plan on staying together for a while longer. 

?: How are Yuri and Jessica?

Sunny: Still as strong as ever, not that I eavesdrop on them or anything but I think they're getting freakier than before. 

?: Damn I'm sure Yoona or Hyoyeon could tell me more. 

Sunny: Of course, those two chodings are always doing something silly. 

?: Oh looks like Victoria is here, she's so cute

Sunny: You think everyone is cute, I feel bad for Eunjung!

?: YAH!

Victoria: Sunny, Hyomin! How are you two?

Hyomin: Good and you? 

Victoria: Sore but good

Hyomin: Relatable

Sunny: Oh come on its not that bad. 

Hyomin: That's because you're used to it

Sunny: You should be even more used to it by now. You've been on the show for two seasons. 

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