Shadows From The Past

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Previously On Chronicles Of Sohi!


Eunjung: We need to find out what happened come on!

Hyomin: We have nothing to fight with

Eunjung: Let's go to the armory hurry!

- - - -

Eunjung: Here Sunny

Sunny: I-I can't use firearms, I...had a bad experience

Hyomin: You need to use something though, you can't just go with us empty handed.

Sunny: Maybe I can use my new powers

Eunjung: Absolutely not, you don't even know how to control them. You could hurt yourself.

Hyomin: Stay here then Sunny, I don't want you getting hurt.

Sunny: I'm going with you Hyomin!

Eunjung: We don't have time to debate this guys, can't she just use the double bladed staff again?

Sunny: THAT I can do, where is it?

Hyomin: It should be in the glass shelf with your body suit.

Sunny: Alright I'll go get it

- - - -

"It feels like there's something in here, what is that shadow moving around? better not attract attention to myself. Alright now I just need to-"

Hyomin & Eunjung: SUNNY LOOK OUT!

Sunny: Huh? AAAHHHHHH!!!

(Third-Person POV)

Hyomin: SUNNY!

Eunjung: NO HYOMIN! you have no idea what could be in there!

Hyomin: I won't leave her there to be attacked by that thing!

Eunjung: Sunyoung please

Hyomin: Let go of me Eun!


{Is anyone there? Younha to facility control does anyone copy?}

Eunjung: Younha! it's Eunjung where are you!?

Younha: {static}

Eunjung: What?

Younha: I'm out {static} the facility I can't get in! open the gates!

Hyomin: We can't, the A.I. went into immediate lock down, we're trapped in here.

Younha: {static} not you're not {static} override the systems

Eunjung: Huh? we're having trouble hearing you there's a lot of static

Younha: I said to go to the control room and override the systems.

Eunjung: I can't I don't have the clearance for it

Younha: Yes you {static} ELINT Team, we gave you a leader badge. Use it to override {static}

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