Start Or Ending?

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(Sunny's POV)

We spent the majority of the day after our mission celebrating our success. The Organization insisted the rest of our members sign up for the cause, what that cause is? I'm not so certain anymore. I don't know enough about this Rogue woman to make a drastic judgement call but I'm beginning to get the strongest feeling that she's planning something behind our backs. I guess I should take heed of Ylva's warning and watch out for her. After the girls' initiation we celebrated with the whole company, I gotta say for a moody leader Younha sure is something else once she let's her hair down and has a few drinks.

I slipped out of the party unnoticed, or so I thought, to head to the sanctuary to speak with Ylva. Surprise! Hyomin followed me, aish this girl...I can't be mad at her though especially when she does that cute little pout of hers. We managed to get past the platoon of guards outside the training grounds without much hassle since we were officially placed into the newly reinstated squadrons.

Once we got into the sanctuary we sat and spoke with Ylva about everything regarding the mission. She congratulated us and gave us a couple of shadow cloaks, they're so cool they literally turn us into shadows. She said they would be useful in future missions, we could use them as back up when the cloaking devices set up to the suits malfunction. I took the opportunity to ask her about my vision and The Nine Unknown, she was adamant about revealing anything regarding them. In the end I convinced her to tell me, she mentioned that they were a powerful secret society consisting of nine highly intelligent people. 

They were established in 273 B.C by Emperor Asoka in India. He realized that humans' intelligence, scientific and technological, were being put to evil uses. He established The Nine Unknown to keep the world's most powerful secrets away from falling into the wrong hands. These nine disciples were kept in their own sanctuary high up in the remote mountains of India where no one would be able to reach them. Those that did were granted a meeting with The Nine, they were only granted gifts but no knowledge. These brilliant members were knowledgeable in everything there is to know, mainly advanced in science and technology. They were rumored to even have connections with extraterrestrial life forms that entrusted The Nine with their secrets as well. 

Each member of The Nine was instructed to write their knowledge down into one book. Each disciple would protect their individual books with their lives, it wasn't a problem since they didn't have any outside contact with the world except for the rare occasions when one or two people would somehow climb their mountain and meet with them. They erased their memories after giving them gifts which would consist of precious stones, coin purses, or precious metals. They would be sent to the bottom of the mountains and dropped off near their respective towns by the cloaked thralls they kept around securing The Nine Unknown's sanctuary. Once the people returned to their senses they would spend nearly an entire two to three days pondering on how they ended up with coin purses and precious stones. 

No one knew of their existence until 1927 when a writer by the name of Talbot Mundy wrote a book about the secret society of The Nine Unknown. His work was the case of speculation and controversy for a while until it was disregarded as pure fiction. The Nine Unknown choose who to allow into their circle once the time comes for them to be "replaced" by their pupils. Not much is known about them aside from the fact that they literally hold all the knowledge in the world in the palm of their hands, meaning the books they cling to. Writing their knowledge day and night until it is time for them to hand the book down to the new disciples who take their place and write their own knowledge into the pages. 

If my great grandmother was the only outsider in the circle of The Nine, did she learn of their knowledge? what hidden secrets could be locked away in those books? obviously something that is considered very dangerous if it lands into the wrong hands. But my curiosity won't let me go, I want to know what is written on those books. Maybe someday I can climb my way to the mountain and meet The Nine Unknown. I'll let them know who I am, perhaps their past masters left some sort of record depicting the raising of a child, my great grandmother. 

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