Chapter one

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Ever since I was born my parents knew I was different. They knew I would be made fun of. But my mother was different too, she could control water.

She used to make rainbows all the time. But not today. Today I was burying my own parents. No one showed up to their funeral. Not a single person, except me. I dug the grave, and now I'm burying them.

Wearing a long black dress seemed appropriate, however digging a hole in one did not.

I honestly couldn't tell you how they died, I myself had no clue. I came home from picking berries and they were on the couch, seemingly paralyzed but not breathing. No blood or anything, sitting there, smiling, holding hands like a couple should.

I didn't even cry, I hardly ever do.

After I was finished covering up the bodies I walked, no where in particular.

A little peregrine falcon landed in front of me and looked up at me, then I followed it behind a tree. Then, just like that, she was a woman, a naked one.

"So sorry about my appearance" she gave a smile "I am Miss Peregrine, I couldn't help but notice that you're special. You are peculiar my dear" I knew all of this already "I would like you to come stay with us. If you don't mind"

I didn't even have to think about it. The answer was an obvious yes, anywhere was better than this hell-hole, if she turned out to be a psycho killer, who cares, I wouldn't be missed, so what the hell, let's go with it. 


Looking up at the magnificent house my breath was taken away. It's been about two days since Miss Peregrine found me, took me a whole two days to get there,  entering the loop felt funny. My whole body went numb and then, it was back to normal.

The sun was shining bright, making me feel at home. I walked to the door, knocking. I heard gasps come from inside.

Miss Peregrine opened the door and greeted me. Opening the door wider so I could step in.

"Children, this is Lily Cawl. She will be joining our wonderful family" Miss Peregrine spoke with a sincere smile.

Everyone said their names and their peculiarity, all except boy with curly brown hair and dark circles under his eyes.

"So! Whats yours?" Claire, a little girl a back mouth asked. I blushed heavily

"I..can make it snow.." I heard a scoff from behind the children

"Useless" the curly haired boy said

"Enoch" Miss Peregrine said in a warning voice "be nice"

The boy, who I assume is Enoch rolled his eyes and walked to the basement.

"You will be sharing a room with Olive" Miss Peregrine said turning to me, Olive is the girl lighter than air, she has to wear lead shoes to stay grounded (I'm going off of the book) she was nice.

Our room was upstairs, the door closest to the stairs. The room was pretty, three large windows, dark wood floors, the walls were painted a light blue which made me feel safe.

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