Chapter 4

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Lily's P.O.V

I've been here for about a week now, and honestly, it's been fantastic. Connor and I have gotten really close, he's almost like my guard dog (no pun intended) he's extremely protective.

Bronwyn apologized for being mad at me for not knowing about Victor and we aren't really close but she's very nice.

Millard and I are close as well, but not as close as Horace and I or Enoch and I. Well..not the three of us as a group because Horace and Enoch don't seem to get along.

"Lily" Olive shook me awake, I turned over.

"Mmmm" I grumbled

"Come on. Breakfast is almost ready then we're going to the beach, just us kids" I rolled over to face her but accidentally rolled off, landing on one of her lead shoes, I clutched my side and curled in a ball.

"Oh!" she exclaimed "I'm sorry...I'll...go get Millard, he's good with medical stuff"

Millard came in with the first-aid kit and kneeled down, he lifted my shirt and applied some cold goopy substance to the bruise.

"Ow! Millard is that acid?!" I yelled writhing in pain.

"No! It's...honestly I don't know. It's good for bruises though!"

I laid there for a moment, the pain faded and the bruise was almost gone, that stuff was like magic.

"Thanks" I smiled and reached my hand out, he pulled me up.

It hurt a bit to walk but oh well. I pulled on my bathing suit when I was alone in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I hated what I saw, honestly I'm not a big fan of my body.

But regardless I pulled on a white above the knee spaghetti strap dress and made my way down for breakfast.

I wasn't too hungry so I grabbed a handful of strawberries and waited for the others.

"Now children" Miss Peregrine said emerging from her studies "be very careful and if anything happens don't try to be brave, come get me"

With that we all started walking down the hill, leaving the loop. Horace stood next to me.

" you think anything is gonna happen..?" Horace looked at me and smiled.

"Not as long as I'm here" I laughed and pushed him slightly, accidentally dropping my last strawberry, my face fell into a frown.

"I love strawberries" I mumbled as it rolled away.

We arrived at the beach.

"Horace aren't you going to take your suit off?"

"No. I'm just going to sit here on the sand" he spread a blanket and sat down, I sat next to him.

"Come on, Lily!" Connor shouted from the water

"I...don't wanna take my dress off!" I shouted getting red "I'm...just going to stay here with Horace"

"No. Go have fun" he smiled "take your dress off, stop hiding that beautiful body and get out there" I laughed and stood, slipping my dress off.

Horace's P.O.V

Lily slipped her dress over her head to reveal a gorgeous periwinkle bathing suit and I couldn't stop my mouth from opening.

I also noticed Enoch, who was standing in the water away from everyone, was staring at her while she ran into the water, her gorgeous curls bouncing as she did so.

I closed my mouth and looked at her dress in my lap, turning it the right way I folded it and placed it back in my lap.

Enoch's P.O.V

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