Chapter 10

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The next morning I woke up before Enoch and managed to untangle myself from him without him waking up.

I walked upstairs and grabbed a dress then got in the bath, I locked the door this time. Then I started singing quietly (song above) while I washed my body.

Then I pulled the plug and dried off, slipping my dress over my head.

"You sing so pretty!" everyone was crowded outside of the bathroom door, I screamed and slammed the door.

"Oh come on Lil" Connor said from outside of the door.

I opened the window and climbed onto the roof and sat there, swinging my legs over the edge, snow fell around me.

"Lily?" I looked down and Horace stood there giving me a weird look "please get down, you might hurt yourself"

I formed an ice slide and slid down, reducing it to a puddle on the ground.

"Why were you on the roof?" he asked while linking his arm with mine.

"Lets go to the beach" I blurted out and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry what? You almost died last time!" I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Please Horace, pretty please" Horace sighed.

"Fine" I smiled

"I'll be right back"

I run upstairs and avoided everyone, I grabbed my only bathing suit and put it on under my dress, grabbing a bottle of wine and two glasses. I wanted to drink, only a little.

I stuffed them into a bag and walked quietly back downstairs and met Horace in the yard.

"Ready?" I smiled, he nodded and we walked out of the loop.

Horace's P.O.V

"What's in the bag?" I asked once we sat down on the blanket, she pulled out a bottle of white wine and two glasses.

"Care for a glass?" I didn't know what to say, I had never drank before.

"Uhm...yeah...sure" she filled the glass halfway and handed it to me, I smiled nervously and drank it. Holy bird what have I been missing?! It was so good!

We sat there for a minute, just drinking, I only had one more glass, she had four or five.

"Come on!" she stood up, stumbling a bit "lets swim"

I looked down at my suit.

"But...I haven't brought a swimsuit" and glared at me and pulled me up, taking off my bowtie.

"Come on, just undress, pleeeeaaaasssseee! I don't wanna swim alone" it's getting harder and harder to say no to this girl, I sighed and nodded, I started undressing and she folded my clothes and sat them on the blanket.

Now I was just in boxers, she didn't seem to mind as she grabbed my hand and spun me in circles.

"I'll race you" she smiled

"Oh you're on" we both started running and I won, I smiled and splashed her.

"Ha!" I smiled really big, we went out a little further until we were both on our toes to keep our heads above water.

Lily held her breath and dove underwater. She had been down there for a long time when I felt a tug at my feet, I screamed and she popped up behind me laughing.

It started to drizzle a little bit but she didn't mind, bird she was beautiful.

Her hair clung to her skin and her red lipstick brought out the whiteness of her teeth, she didn't even need makeup though, her skin a lovely tan that made her eyes stand out. When she was embarrassed light snow would fall around her, she's gorgeous.

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