Chapter 12

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"I'm leaving" I blutley said. Enoch and I have been dating for about a year so if I left the loop I would be fine.

"What?!" Enoch yelled at me

"I said I'm le-"

"I heard what you said!" he snapped "but why?!"

"I just don't like living in a loop. I want to see the world! I want to get out there and live!" I smiled as I tied my hair into a ponytail and started packing my suitcase.

"You aren't leaving!" he yelled and punched the wall "I won't let you!"

I rolled my eyes and froze his feet to the floor, walking over to him and leaning in to kiss him, he pushed me away and I just stared at him for a minute.

"Lily please" he started crying, I had only seen Enoch cry maybe twice in the whole time I've been here.

"Enoch..I haven't been totally honest" I looked up at him and unfroze his feet.

"What do you mean?" he asked, tucking my bangs that wouldn't reach to my ponytail behind my ears.

"I'm...not the sweet girl you think I am" I sat on the bed while he kneeled in front of me.

"What do you mean baby?"

I rolled up my sweater sleeves to reveal a long row of slashes on each wrist. He stared at them.

"Why do you think the first time we made love I kept the lights off, I couldn't let you see" I bit my lip.

"Go" his words were cold and brittle, "get the hell out of my sight Lily"

I stood and grabbed my suitcase, Enoch was standing now, facing the window.

"I said GO!" he yelled, I jumped slightly and exited the house.

Right as I was about to exit the tunnel Horace caught up with me, breathing heavily.

"Lily...wh-you're leaving? Oh is true. I dreamed of this very momen-"

"SHUT UP!" I shouted, dropping my suitcase and stepping towards him.

"L..Lily.." Horace looked so hurt.

"Listen..I'm not who you think" I pulled at my sleeves "my whole town, froze over because of me, I killed so many people that day. I'm not..who you think" I picked my suitcase back up and looked at Horace one last time.

"What about Enoch?" he questioned

"Tell Enoch...tell Enoch I said bye..he told me to leave anyway"

Without another look back I exited the loop, and started walking. I felt the whole year catch up with me but I was fine.

I walked into town and caught the ferry.

I was going to fine Abe. He would understand.

A few days later I arrived in Florida and tracked down Abe.

The year is 1999 and Florida is sweltering. Much hotter than the loop, it's so pretty, life, seeing the people live their day to day life.

I knocked on the door and heard a grumble, I could tell that was Abe, his face was the same as in the pictures, just older.

"Hi..Abe. I'm Lily" that's all I had to say, he pulled me inside.

"Miss Peregrine wrote me about you, Enoch's girlfriend right?" I thought for a minute and nodded "are you really cryokinetic?" Abe asked, I nodded and froze a glass of water sitting on the coffee table.

"Please sit down and tell me how the others are" I sat down and he brought me a cup of coffee.

"Everyone's great. Emma is fine" I smiled and so did he "loop life just isn't for me. So I came to find you!"

"You can stay here as long as you like. Any peculiar is a friend of mine"

Later that night Abe woke me up.

"There's a Hollow nearby. I can feel it" I sat up and followed him outside, he was holding a rifle.

"There!" he shot at the backyard and I shot frost in the direction he shot.

It screeched and I channeled frost in the direction of it.

Abe shot a few more times and I heard a thud.

"It's dead" Abe was breathing heavy.

After that day Abe and I became Hollow hunters and tracked them down, killing them before they could kill us.

Until one day, my power was too much for me to control, the frost worked it's way up to my brain and the last thing I saw was the icy blue haze of ice coating my face.

Abe's P.O.V

I wrote Miss P immediately and told her what happened, Enoch rushed over with the others, Miss P created a loop in the middle of the woods (where we were looking for a Hollow) and Emma started melting the frost off of Lily.

Enoch wasted a whole jar of heart's until he finally found the right one.

"Send me back" her voice sounded ghost-like.

"I'm here baby" Enoch breathed as tears streamed his cheeks "I'm here"

"Enoch O'Connor..I thought I'd never see you again!" her voice sounded as excited as possible.

"I'm so sorry..for telling you to leave..I should've begged you to stay..."

"Enoch, honey, I'm not mad at you. I lov-" the heart started to give out

"LILY!" he screamed "PLEASE COME BACK!" but it was too late. Lily was gone. From that day forward I hunted down every Hollow I could, killing them as soon as I laid eyes on them.

For Victor. For Lily.

Aaaaaaaaand that's all she wrote. It's getting time for school to start back and I have sooo many projects due I won't have time to write much. I sorry.

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