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Sooooo....yeah...don't kill me because of the ending, listen I wrote this story over winter break but once school started back I had so much to do that I didn't want to just leave you guys with nothing. That's why the ending was rushed. However I am going to write an alternate ending per request of a reader. Also! I've gotten over 100 views on this story so thank you all for that, now, on with the ending.

20 years later

"Enoch!" I laughed as he tickled my sides. Enoch smiled and kept tickling until we heard a cry from the upstairs bedroom, we both groaned but walked up towards the room anyways.

Enoch hoisted little Abigail from her crib and she giggled.

"Look at my little sunshine" I cooed, Abby giggled again and I grabbed her finger, wiggling it playfully and her hand shot water from it's palm, soaking me. I wiped my face off as Enoch laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

After spending those few years with Abe I decided to stay loop free, well...ugh sort of...somehow Miss P managed to stop Enoch from aging forward, he just ages normally now, so I mean I guess Enoch is like more awesome now? That's how that works right?

Abe's death was tragic...however his grandson, Jacob, he's cool I suppose, we haven't had many interactions but he looks just like Abe in my opinion.

"Lily, baby please" Enoch was giving me puppy eyes, I took Abby and walked to her room, pulling out a cute yellow dress and pulling her delicate blonde locks into a ponytail on the top of her head.

"You're a whole year old today!" I smiled at her and I whispered "you look more like your dad everyday"

"I heard that!" Enoch yelled from the kitchen, I smiled and kissed her cheek.

Setting her down as she held my finger for balance, we slowly walked into the kitchen and Enoch gasped.

"How pretty you look my little princess!" he picked her up and the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and everyone stood there with presents in their hands. Miss P created a quick loop and I invited everyone in.

"Abby!" Horace exclaimed with my baby on his hip "who dressed you?!"

"I did Mr. Somnusson!" I yelled playfully and trickled snow on his top hat "problem?"

He shook his head and placed his hat on Abby's head.

Enoch and I sat on the floor, Abby in my lap as she ripped paper off of her presents.

She squealed of delight as she hugged a doll Claire gave her.

Olive placed a tiara on Abby's head and smiled as Abby started to chew it.

"Thank you all so much for the gifts. However Horace, she doesn't need that many dresses"

"One can never have enough clothes!" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Who wants cake!" Enoch took Abby and everyone followed them into the kitchen.

"You two see very happy"Miss P said, I smiled at her.

Jacob had his arm around Emma and Millard snapped pictures of Abby trying to blow out the candles.

"C-..." I stared.

"Oh my gosh.." I whispered as Abby tried to make out her first word, I know she's a little late, don't judge

"Co...Comm...Commor" she laughed as Connor picked her up and spun her around.

"She loves me more!" he laughed triumphantly.

He changed his form as she sat on his back and everyone rushed to the living room to play with her.

Enoch and I stayed back.

"Hey sweetie?" I said turning to face him

"Hm?" he responded not looking at me.

"I'm pregnant" I turned back to face the living room and I saw his head snap in my direction.

"EVERYONE!" he shouted and rushed to the living room, I chuckled and rested my hand on my still flat tummy.

"Your daddy is crazy, but bird I love him"

THAT'S IT! So! I hope you all enjoyed that one too and thanks again for over 100 views.

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