Chapter 9

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I sat up and clutched my heart, breathing heavily I looked around.

"Hey, hey, baby it's alright" Enoch pulled me close "it was just a nightmare baby"

"Enoch" I spoke clearly "do you love Emma?" he started laughing

"Hardly. I only love you, Lily, you know that" he kissed my shoulder "now come on, you've had a rough month, that Hollow attack was serious" I laid back down. second soul is isn't frozen and neither are my veins..I'm here..Enoch loves me and didn't cheat on me..I thought to myself.

The scent of Enoch is actually pleasing, you would think due to the heart's it would be sour, but it's not. It smells like...Old Spice and cinnamon.

"Enoch" I whispered after a few minutes.


"Don't...don't leave" his grip tightened on me.

"I wouldn't dream of it sweetheart" he kissed my cheek "now can we please go to sleep, I'm really tired"

"I'll be right back...I um...I've gotta use the loo" he let go and I walked outside, I didn't actually use the loo, sitting in the grass at the edge of the loop.

If I left...I would be leaving him but...I would be able to live my life..

The grass was damp from the rain right before reset.

What life parents are gone...seriously what life...I suppose this is my life now I looked back at the house I loved it here and everyone was very nice, I just feel out of place though.

I didn't do anything, I just sat at the edge of the loop, deciding if I should walk out.

Something hit the loop wall and I flinched. Either a Hollow or a Normal, they're the only ones who can't enter. It happened again, and again. Though a Normal would see the ruins of the house, they wouldn't be banging around. Most definitely a Hollow then. I wonder what being a Hollow feels like...I bet it's like a never ending hunger. I wonder if you remember used to be.

The water on the grass slowly started to freeze around me.

"Yeah. You're probably right" I said to no one "it's probably too dangerous to go out there"

"But what if.." I started to lean into the loop exit when I felt strong hands grab my shoulders. I looked up.

"Dance with me" Enoch held out his hand and helped me up.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and subconsciously played with the back of his hair.

"You were thinking about leaving weren't you?" he asked as we swayed.

"'s just..there's so much movement out much to experience..the whole world! But..we're stuck here..the same day over and over..I bet seeing the bomb the first few nights was scary.."

Enoch looked at me and sighed.

"It was. This is all you know for so long" he gripped my dress from the waist unintentionally "knowing if Miss Peregrine was a second off, the house along with the loop would be gone, our safe-haven, all gone. Some of us even brought some valuables for the first few nights. Horace brought his special pillow that help keep the nightmares away, Olive brought her two stuffed animals, Millard brought The Tales Of The Peculiar, just in case something went wrong. Hell, Bronwyn even tried to bring Victor but Miss P wouldn't allow it...that was right after..he died of course"

I looked up at Victors bedroom window.

"I bet..he was great" I smiled at Enoch and he lightly returned it, we continued swaying.

"He was my only friend here. The only one I could trust. Well..Abe and I were kinda close, talked to each other when we had a problem"

" Abe? I've heard some about him"

"Abe of Miss P's wards here and he could see Hollows. But, loop life wasn't for him and he went to America, Emma's boyfriend"

"He...could see Hollows?" Enoch nodded " I've never even heard of that before"

"No one had, it was the rarest of the rare. Rarer than yours darling" he kissed the tip of my nose.

"Who's do you think is most common?" I asked, Enoch kept swaying and thought for a minute.

"In order of common to least common is Bronwyn, Emma, Millard, then me. Everyone else's aren't very common. People claim to see the future in their dreams, people also claim that the earth is flat though." we both laughed "but in Greece, the Twins have the most common peculiarity"

" they do exactly?" he looked at me with an eyebrow raised and a smirk

"They're Gorgon, they can turn people to stone. But their peculiarity is that they have a telepathic bond"

"Woah! That'!"

Enoch started tickling me.

"N-no!" I laughed "I'm really t-ticklish" he kept going and tickled me to the ground.

Then we layed next to each other holding hands.

"You could've just asked me to lye down" I laughed.

"You know what we should do tomorrow night" he said looking at the stars, the same one's he's probably looked at a dozen times, I could imagine Millard memorizing the constellations.


"We should leave the loop. Just for a while, go see how everything is going"

Our hands started to freeze together, I pulled them apart.

"Shit! Sorry.." I muttered rubbing my hand, he put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head softly, then he kissed me.

Electricity shot through my body as I put my hands on his cheeks and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

My first real kiss. Then he broke the kiss, looking at me.

"You're a tomato right now" he said quietly in my ear, I somehow got even more red.

"Come on" he stood up and picked me up with him "let's go inside"

I looked at the edge of the loop one more time before the front door closed.

Enoch sat me on his bed, as soon as he did I stood up and grabbed one of his shirts from the dresser and took my dress off, pulling his shirt over my head.

I had my back to him so I didn't really mind if he looked because he wasn't seeing anything.

Then I laid back down next to him and looked at him, the moonlight highlighting his features.

"Does Enoch O'Connor have freckles?!" I exclaimed quietly, right under his eyes, there were freckles that spotted his upper cheek.

He covered his face and groaned.

"Lemme see!" he shook his head and I climbed on top of him and forced his hands away from his face, pinning them on both sides of his head and I looked at his freckles.

"I could get used to this" he smirked while blowing a strand of my hair away.

"Oh shut up you perv"

Enoch laughed and leaned up. Kissing me again, I let his hands go and they found my waist as mine met his hair, twisting his hair around my fingers.

He bit my lip and lightly pulled it with his teeth, I sat up and smirked.

"Know your limits, O'Connor" I playfully scolded, he groaned and I laid next to him, my head on his chest.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" his fingers aimlessly played with the ends of my hair.

"Goodnight sweetheart" was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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