Chapter 3

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Horace's P.O.V

I sat up in my bed, breathing heavily I tumbled to the floor, waking Millard who shares a room with me and before he could ask what was happening I was already sprinting down the hall towards Lily and Olive's room.

Lily and her bed are encased in ice. I start punching the ice as hard as I can, Millard comes to stand behind me.

"Olive" says Millard shaking her "go fetch Miss Peregrine" Olive quickly untied herself from her bed and went to retrieve Miss Peregrine without even putting on her shoes, causing her to hold onto doorframes and pictures to get around.

"Bronwyn!" I shouted "Bronwyn please hurry!" the thundering of footsteps came from down the hall and she stared right through Millard to see the perfect block of ice that encased Lily.

With a yell she punched the ice, it made a dent, Millard stopped her.

"What if you go through the ice! You'll kill her!" Bronwyn stopped and Miss Peregrine was now in Bronwyn's spot, I kept punching.

"Horace" Millard says pulling my nightcap off "Horace!" he yelled "DAMMIT HORACE LOOK AT ME!" Millard spun me around to face him "look at your knuckles, have you gone daft?" Millard pulled me aside and went to retrieve the bandages, Miss Peregrine left quickly and came back with Emma.

Emma's hands weren't visible through the fire, as soon as Emma's hands touched the ice block, steam filled the room, the rest of the children crowded the doorway.

"Is she dead?" Enoch asked rubbing his eyes.

"No but she will be if this process doesn't speed up" Millard stated, I reached over and shook him, his pajama pants the only way he could be seen.

Seriously the Twins and I are the only males who sleep fully clothed. Enoch sleeps in his undergarments and a short sleeve shirt, Millard, Hugh and Connor all sleep topless!

"Horace let go of me! What's gotten into you?!" Millard yelled

"You can't just say she'll die!"

"Even if she does Enoch will just bring her back!"

"Oh like hell I will!" Enoch butted in

"Boys!" Miss Peregrine shouted "Horace you stay, everyone else go wait in the sitting room!"

Millard slammed the door on his way out. Emma had just now  melted all the ice and was onto warming her, the fire on her hands died down a lot so they just glowed red.

Emma looked so concentrated as her hands hovered over Lily's body.

"I assume you dreamed about this?" Miss Peregrine asked me, I nodded "that's odd, usually your dreams are far into the future"

"I dreamed about it a few days ago before she even got here and again just a while ago" Miss P stayed silent, watching Lily slowly become less blue

Five minutes later her eyes fluttered open and Emma cooled her hands.

Lily sat up straight and gasped. Miss Peregrine thanked Emma for her work and excused her from the room.

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