Chapter 5

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"Enoch..." I mumbled slowly opening my eyes

"Yes, love?" I looked up at him and he was looking down at me smiling

" long have you been staring at me?" I questioned while yawning

"Ten minutes. You're cute when you're sleeping"

"Stop being creepy" I laughed and sat up. Sunlight hit my eyes and I squinted against it.

Enoch pulled me back down.

"I wanna lay here with you all day" he whined but I shook my head.

"We've gotta get up" I said pulling away from his grasp, I stood at the end of the bed and stretched "Enoch. Could you please go to my room and get me some clothes so I don't have to walk out there like this" I batted my eyelashes and he groaned.

"Fine" he kicked the covers off and I sat on the edge of the bed "don't watch me while I change you weirdo" he threw his shirt at me.

"Enoch you seriously just sleep in boxers and a shirt just put on a new shirt and your overalls" I laughed and walked towards him as he stepped into his overalls, I wrapped my arms around his stomach from behind and buckled his overalls while looking at us in the mirror.

He smiled and spun around, picking me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist, pulling his shirt down over my panties.

"Enoch" I grumbled "I'm not wearing any pants! I'm just in my knickers and a shirt!" he smirked

"That's the point" he kissed my cheek and set me down "I'll be right back with your clothes"

When he left I looked around his room and found his clay, I started sculpting, at first it didn't look like much but eventually I made a crude little man, his head was very disproportionate to his body and one arm was shorter than the other but he was a little man I made, then I used Enoch's knife and carved little eyes and a little mouth and a nose so he could breathe, then some hair and overalls.

"What are you doing?" Enoch asked from the doorway, he was holding a blue dress, a bra, and a pair of knickers.

"I.." snow stared to fall over me as his icy glare seemed to look right through me "I...w...was just...messing with your clay..I'm sorry" I stood up.

Enoch crossed the room in a few steps and looked at the little man.

"This looks awful" he said examining it, he handed me my clothes and walked out so I could change.

Quickly, I got dressed and left his room. The children were all outside already so I wasn't noticed, I grabbed one of Millards books from his room, he said I could borrow one any time as long as it wasn't damaged and got returned, I grabbed a book called Beauty and the Beast and walked outside.

Connor almost ran into me again but I dodged him before he could do so.

I sat under a tree and opened the book. I don't know how much time went past but I was almost finished reading when the Twins came up to me.

"Oh hello boys" they made a nervous squeak and I stood, each of them grabbed one of my hands and pulled me towards the garden where a crowd was formed.

I pushed my way to the center of the crowd, handing the book to Millard when I bumped into him. At the center of the crowd stood Horace and Enoch.

Enoch had Horace by the jacket and was in his face, but from the looks of things, Horace wasn't backing down. I didn't stop them, thinking Enoch would yell at him and walk away but he didn't.

Enoch balled a fist and reeled his arm back, right as he did so I dropped a clump of snow on them both.

"Will someone please explain something to me?!" I shouted. Enoch was now on top of Horace about to punch him again, I grabbed Enoch by the straps of his overalls and yanked him up.

"Bronwyn hold him" she did, she bear hugged him but not enough to damage him. I turned my attention to Horace.

I felt my body go cold despite my rage, I got in Horace's face, the loop sky clouded and light snow started to fall.

"What is this about?" I asked as nicely as I could.

"That daft idiot said that you love him!" I stopped and my anger calmed down.

"Because she does!" Enoch yelled while struggling against Bronwyn's grasp.

I was completely calm.

"Get inside" I said while looking at my hands.

"What?" asked Emma "why?"

"I said" my neck twitched "get inside. You don't want to see me angry. Especially get the little ones inside"

Bronwyn let go of Enoch, he fell face down onto the little bit of snow that covered the ground, she gathered Claire and Olive, holding their hands and guided them inside, Connor stood in front of me.

"Hey, Lil, snap out of it" he snapped his fingers in my face

"Go, Connor" my neck twitched again, my hands formed fists at my sides, Connor looked at me then slowly made his was inside.

"Lily tell me he's lying!" Horace shouted over the wind that followed the snow, my whole body twitched and I closed my eyes, quickly trying to find my happy place.

"Come on Lily..." it was Millard now, everyone had gone inside except Enoch, Horace and Millard.

"Lily" Enoch said calmly "tell hi-"

I screamed and brought both of my fists to the ground, the entire ground froze, I think some of it even spread outside of the loop. My veins became very very blue. I kept screaming as the wind whipped my hair in my face and Millard retreated inside.

A full on blizzard went on inside of the loop. Horace and Enoch's eyes were fixed on me. Horace's feet slowly became frozen, as did Enoch's knees seeing as he hadn't stood from when Bronwyn dropped him.

It started to hail. I kept screaming, I saw Miss Peregrine come out and I looked at her. The snow stopped, so did the wind.

"I'm sorry" I said as the world faded from view "I'm...unstable"

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