Love is Passion, Love is Obsession

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Song of the chapter:
Lurk - The Neighbourhood

In the depths of darkness, an oppressive aura hung heavy in the air.

It was a word, a single word, that sent shivers down spines and struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it: Hell.

It had been used to threaten misbehaving children, a word that carried weight and foreboding. The demons it conjured were fearsome creatures, with barbed tails and snapping jaws, wings that swallowed those who dared to stand against them, and hearts devoid of remorse.

Hell wasn't merely reserved for ordinary sins or the frustrations of struggling parents. It extended to those who knew the wrongness of their actions yet reveled in them, callously causing pain and suffering, even taking lives that were not theirs. Even the elite bankers found themselves aligned with the most depraved killers, their victims far outnumbering those of serial murderers.

In this chaotic world of malice, Hell awaited individuals like him, and perhaps even like you.

But strangely enough, you didn't mind the prospect of Hell as long as he would be there with you.

There were two types of joy in this forsaken world. One was gentle and warm, penetrating to the core of the earth, connecting body, mind, and soul. It strengthened love, fostered connections, and inspired righteous actions. The other was an illicit high, akin to consuming excessive sugar, bringing dangerous impulsiveness and shallow indifference towards others' feelings.

Killers were said to be hollow beings, their hearts long dead, replaced by putrefied sludge within their chests. Their emptiness birthed madness, driving them to relentlessly take lives, perpetually trapped in a toxic cycle. According to legends, true healing required someone pure to love every twisted, immoral part of them, to mold their blackened hearts like clay and infuse them with the essence of nature. A way back to light and goodness existed, but until that elusive being arrived to forgive their sins and grant them redemption, the killing persisted.

Unless, of course, you became the one to change him, to alter the course of his life.

Jeon Jungkook was undeniably handsome—a living embodiment of beauty. His eyes contained countless hues, defying simplistic categorisation. They held the allure of forests, autumn leaves, summer soil, and rain-soaked earth. His lips were full and pink, his nose slender and rounded. His sculpted physique boasted a powerful jawline, sinewy muscles adorning his arms, thighs, and chest—a true Adonis among men, captivating hearts and stirring desire.

And you were deeply in love.



Your walls were adorned with thousands of his photos, and you meticulously maintained a list of his victims—young, attractive women in their twenties. Your daily ritual involved gazing at his enchanting pictures, a religious act that brought you closer to your version of divinity. Despite his myriad flaws, you were blinded by his perfection, willingly turning a blind eye to his true nature.

He didn't notice you; after all, you were a nobody. Yet, your finger traced the contour of his jaw on the paper, and you leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips.

You loved him.

You loved him.

You loved him.

Every aspect of him.

It didn't matter that he was a cold-blooded killer, manipulative and evil. In fact, his darkness initially attracted you. Jungkook possessed a strong vision and an unwavering determination, disregarding the opinions of others as long as they obeyed his commands. He was twistedly clever, adept at manipulating people—including you—making them dance to his tune, even if it left their souls bleeding.

Why? Because he was an enigma—a catch—and that was precisely why you had fallen so deeply for him. From the moment you first laid eyes on him, something clicked within you, drawing you inexorably into his web of allure.

You remembered that day like it was yesterday; the day you first saw him.

That day, after class, you decided to take a shortcut through an unfamiliar alleyway on your way home. The rain poured relentlessly, drenching you to the bone as you hurriedly sought refuge. Amidst the downpour, you heard a chilling sound—an eerie blend of laughter and muffled screams that sent shivers down your spine. Intrigued, you cautiously followed the source, your heart pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

As you turned the corner, your eyes widened in horror. There stood Jeon Jungkook, his hands stained with blood that wasn't his own. Hidden in the shadows, you watched in both admiration and repulsion as he ruthlessly took the life of a young woman. Deep down, you knew what he did was wrong, but a twisted part of you reveled in the darkness. It was an inexplicable attraction to his malevolence, a secret thrill that ignited within you.

Jungkook, with his deceptive charm, had a reputation for gaining trust effortlessly. He possessed a charismatic persona that masked his true intentions, making him a dangerous individual. Unbeknownst to others, he had a hunger for power that surpassed any consideration for the well-being of those around him.

Meanwhile, you possessed a deep understanding of his true nature. You knew every detail of his life—his home, workplace, and even his outings with friends—thanks to the hidden cameras and bugs you had meticulously placed around his home. You observed him from a distance, communicating solely through anonymous letters that expressed your admiration and love.

Receiving your scented letters was a guilty pleasure for Jungkook, despite his occasional disdain for your presence. Each time, his heart would betray him, quickening at the sight of your words. How did you know? How did you manage to keep such close tabs on him? It was an absurdly intriguing puzzle that he couldn't help but find captivating.

If only he could unmask your identity, the thrill of ending your existence would be ecstasy unlike anything he had experienced before. It was a tantalising prospect, the psychotic stalker enamoured with the heartless killer—a twisted fairytale fit for his next novel.

But for now, Jungkook had to exercise patience. His life had grown mundane, with each potential victim failing to pique his interest. He craved something more, something beyond his usual routine of disposing of desperate individuals who threw themselves at him.

That something more would eventually be you.

Sighing heavily, Jungkook collapsed onto his couch, exhausted from a long day of work. In an uncharacteristic moment, he spoke aloud, acknowledging your presence. The realisation caught you off guard, sitting there with snacks surrounding you and your eyes fixed on him through the screen.

"I know you're probably watching me right now, anonymous psycho," he uttered, his voice carrying through the speakers. While you had the power to respond, you resisted the temptation. Not yet, at least.

"I am," you whispered to yourself, knowing he couldn't hear you. Still, his words held a strange allure. "I know you're not stupid either, Jungkook. You've noticed the cameras. I can't fathom how you missed them before, but your attention is all I ever wanted."

A mix of fascination and trepidation enveloped both of you in this intricate dance of darkness and desire. The boundaries between predator and prey blurred, as you continued to watch and he willingly played his part. The twisted connection between you grew stronger, poised on the edge of an inevitable collision.

Little did either of you know the cataclysmic consequences that awaited, as love and obsession spiralled down a dangerous path, threatening to consume you both.

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