THE Prologue

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DarthPrincess: Most intros are called "Intro" or "Prologue", but ours is "THE Prologue". See? Gotta use those coconuts of yours.

Me (ChibbyPanda57): Just get on with the prologue!


During the events of Possession...

Ghosts attacked...

Ninjago was on the verge to become cursed forever...

Luckily, the ninja were able to defeat Morro and the other ghosts...

"Goodbye, sensei."


"Oh my goodness, the whole act of dying dramatically was tiring." A familiar voice complains.

"It's your fault, you failed." Another voice, more firm and devious replies.

"Sorry, sir...what did you do while I was doing my scheme?" The first voice asks.

"Found a new student...and did more devious things," the second voice replies with a chuckle.

"A NEW STUDENT? Well, the more the merrier I guess. What are we gonna do now?" The first voice asks.

"You're lucky I had a backup plan, and you actually did Phase 1 of it. That's why I'm not that angry when you failed," the second voice explains.

"Oh...the bug?" First voice asks.


Intro and title made by DarthPrincess

Me: Do you have to mention who made what?

DarthPrincess: It's called CREDIT!

Me: Okay, for the sake of all of you, there will be no more chats like this.

DarthPrincess: NOOOO, adding chats and funny comments is my STYLE

Me: Ahem, this is my account.

DarthPrincess: *pretends to cry in a random corner*

Me: Moving on...

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