It's Mail Time

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"Last time we saw him, he was disqualified. Where could he have gone?" Nya asks, worried.

Suddenly, a skeleton wearing a mailman outfit comes to them and says:

"Underworld mail." He gives Kai an envelope.

"OK..." Kai then opens it, revealing a green letter written in black. The ninja read it, only to be shock by what it says:

Hello, weirdos. Right now I have your little robot friend here. It's not a hostage thing or anything, he came here HIMSELF. *cough* definitely didn't have to do anything about it *cough*. So I'm pretty sure you want to save him and all that cliche. But hurry, for his life is drawing thin!

Signed by:

Danny. Danny Phantom

The Ninja then hear Jay humming the Danny Phantom theme song.

''What? It's catchy!'' Jay exclaims.

''We have to save Zane,'' Kai says.

''Jeez, Danny was right, this is cliche,'' Nya comments.

''Jeez, Danny was right, this is cliche,'' Nya comments

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"But... How are we supposed to find him? He can be anywhere!" Lloyd says.

Looking for a clue, they turn over the letter and find a map!

"Wow. It looks like he's expecting us," Cole says,

"But what if it's a trap?" Nya asks.

"It's probably a trap,'' Lloyd says.

"But Zane might be there. We have to take the risk," Kai says as everyone agrees.



As the ninja are following the map, they can't help but be amazed by the new Underworld. The last time they went here, it was a dark place where there's nothing but rocks and skeletons. But now...IT'S A NINJAGO CITY UNDERGROUND! Everywhere they go is filled with bright lights and buildings. Instead of skeletons doing evil stuff, they are selling merchandise and running shops.

"EXTRA! EXTRA! BONES RULE! READ ALL ABOUT IT!" A newspaper skeleton exclaims.

What's really surprising is that skeletons aren't the only people living here. Ghosts, zombies, and who-knows-what are seen scurrying all over the street.

"TAXI!" They see a female zombie going in a yellow cab.

"The Underworld really did change," Kai says with amazement.

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