Breakfast (At Tiffany's)

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NOTE: Really, DarthPrincess?

DarthPrincess: What?? Maybe they happen to come across a lovely jewelry store and it's so wonderful that they decide to stare at the jewelry while eating breakfast like a weirdo and no one minds them.

Me: THEY'RE AT THE BOUNTY! And I don't think the ninja are interested in jewelry.

DarthPrincess: I don't know. Maybe they come across a crazy Djinn who wants to make a sky world, and apparently there's a jewelry shop. Oh wait, that's in the next season.

Me: *rubbing my temples* Let's continue with the story. This chatting is cramping my style.


It's 6 am as the ninja sit down to eat breakfast. Waking up early in the morning is their daily routine. Sensei Wu is running some errands so it's just them.

"Nya, why are we watching a person showcasing jewelry while eating breakfast? It's kinda weird," Kai reacts. (DarthPrincess: HA. Told you. Me: You just added that)

"I just turned on the TV, it doesn't mean the first show that pops up is what we're going to watch," Nya replies, a bit annoyed.

"Yeah sure..." Kai says. He continues to eat his bacon. "This is really good, Zane!"

"Thank you," Zane says, glad by the compliment. It's his turn to cook which is good since he's great at it.

Nya changes the channel.

Princess Rosetta and her Crimes.

Episode 123: In Love with the Kidnapper.

"Don't change the channel!" Jay exclaims.

"Don't change the channel!" Jay exclaims

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"Seriously?" Lloyd asks.

"That's the most weirdest and dumbest TV show in the universe!" Cole comments.

"I don't understand how can a woman easily fall for another man in just a second," Zane says.

"It's not weird!" Jay says defensively. "Princess Rosetta and her Crimes is an awesome drama that contains good character development, tragic back stories, and heart-felt romance."

The TV then shows Princess Rosetta. She has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and wears LOTS of makeup. She's also wearing a really poofy dress that's decorated with a lot of sequence and pearls. She's with a guy wearing all black and his face is not shown much.

Princess Rosetta: Oh Lorj. Despite the fact that you kidnapped me and demand me to marry you, I still think that you're more attractive than my boyfriend. I think... I'm falling in love with you.

Lorj: ....Seriously? Wait! Is that a camera crew over there?

*people with cameras and boom mikes hide in the bushes*

Princess Rosetta: Oh don't look there, look here!!!

"This is definitely the lamest TV show of all time," Kai says, annoyed.

"I couldn't agree more," Nya says as she's about to change the channel when Jay interrupt .

"Come on guys! Just this part. It's getting good," he begs.

Princess Rosetta: Sorry Lorj, but I change my mind. That mailman over there is WWWWAAAAYYYY hotter than you. Sooo... See ya. *goes to the random mailman* Hey! Want to date me?

"You're sick man," Cole says as they start to argue about it─


An ice shuriken strikes at the center of the TV as the ninja stare with shock. The screen is cracked with glass falling out of it and sparks are coming off it randomly. The ninja then find the source of this mess.

Their nindroid friend is standing behind them, holding an extra shuriken. He gives them a cold look that tenses the atmosphere.

"Um Zane... Are you OK?" Nya asks with worry when he says:

"Oops. Sorry about that. I don't know what gotten into me." Zane then grabs a broom and sweeps the broken glass until there's nothing in sight.

"It's cool man," Kai says.

"Wait, COOL. Get it? We're talking about Zane. No? Okay..." Jay then realizes.

"At least we don't have to watch that show," Cole remarks.

"Hey!" The blue ninja exclaims.

"We can fix it later. Right now it's time to train," Lloyd says and everyone goes to the deck for training.

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