Our 2:30 Appointment

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"Okay, this is getting complicated," Kai reacts.

"As Master Yo told you before, King Dulock is the new ruler of the Underworld. He's a powerful skeleton who has extraordinary powers. He's very twisted as well. In order to go to the Underworld, you have to summon him," Sensei Wu explains.

"Wait a second...King Dulock? I've heard that name before! Wasn't he...the great great great like really great grandfather of Princess Rosetta?!" Jay remembers.

"Okay, how is that related?" Cole asks.

"Focus," Nya reminds them.

"One last question, uncle. How do we summon King Dulock?" Lloyd asks.

"You have to create a fire and burn something pure black. After that, you have to chant the king's name multiple times until he comes," Sensei Wu explains.

"And how long will that be?" Kai asks. "There's no exact guarantee that this Dulock guy would even listen."

"Well... It's worth a shot, right?" Nya says.

"Whatever it is, if this can take to where we need to go then let's go for it," Lloyd says.

Cole then gathers wood while Kai makes the fire. Meanwhile, Nya looks for something black on the broken ship. After a minute, she comes back with Jay's exclusive Lorj Black Cape from Princess Rosetta and her Crimes.

"HEY!" Jay reacts.

"It's for the best Jay," Kai says.

Zane ends up patting Jay's back as they throw the cape into the flame.

"Dulock, Dulock, Dulock..." The Ninja chant.

After chanting it about six more times, the cape floats in the air and turns into a portal.

"Good luck, ninja." Sensei Wu says. "The fate of Ninjago depends on it."

The Ninja go in.

They end up...

...in front of a counter?

"Names," The girl zombie secretary says.

Awkward silence...

"NAMES," The zombie emphasizes.

"Oh. Uh. Kai, Zane, Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Nya. We are the Masters of Spinjitzu," Kai quickly replies.

"Uh-huh. You have an appointment with King Dulock at 2:30. Wait until then," the secretary explains as she points to the Waiting Chairs.

"Since when we have an appointment?" Cole asks as the Ninja sit down.

"Ever since King Dulock ruled the Underworld, he wanted to change it completely

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"Ever since King Dulock ruled the Underworld, he wanted to change it completely. So he decided to create this waiting system to manage his time and have sessions with the citizens," Zane explains.

Everyone stares at him, once again.

"OK Zane, I know that you're smart but where did you get this information?" Kai asks.

"I don't— I read about it in the library," Zane explains. I did?

"O...K?" Jay responds.

As they're waiting, they see other people go in.

"Name?" The zombie secretary asks.

"Randy," a zombie chicken replies.

"Reason why you're here?" The zombie asks.

"Well I need a quick BOCKA BA! healing because some crazy BOCK! Biology Professor summoned me to fight Grade 6 kids," it (zombie chicken) replies.

Soon, it's 2:30.

They enter a black doorway as it leads them to a throne room. What's awaiting them is something sinister.

"Well hello... Ninja."

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