Exploding and Explaining

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"Okay, let's check on the chest again," Cole says.

It's the next day, and the Ninja did a pretty good job in guarding the Jade of Destruction...or so they thought.

They go in.

"Uh. Guys..." Jay says. "The chest...it's unlocked!"

"WHAT?!" The Ninja react.

"I'll call Sensei," Nya says as she rushes out.

Sensei Wu is soon with the Ninja, staring at the unlocked chest.

"We don't know who took it or when. The cameras are jammed!" Nya says.

"There seems to be something inside," Zane says as he shakes the chest.

Sensei Wu gets the chest from Zane and opens it.


"IT'S A BOMB!" Jay reacts.




"*cough cough* Is everyone okay?" Lloyd asks.

"Yes...but the Bounty is going to crash!" Zane exclaims as he notices one of the thrusters of the Bounty missing.


"Great, now our home is broken!" Nya complains.

The Bounty crashed in front of Sensei Wu's teashop. It's not severely damaged but it'll take a few weeks to fix.

A paper then falls on Sensei Wu's head.

"Oh no..." He reacts as he sees the content.

"What is it Sensei?" Kai asks.

"It's...Danny Phantom," Sensei Wu replies.

"Oh, the show? I love it!" Jay exclaims.

"No. Danny Phantom, the ninja who has the element of corruption," Sensei Wu explains.

"Element of Corruption? Who is this Danny Phantom?" Lloyd asks with curiosity.

The paper that Wu read had this written on it.

HAHAHAHAHA. Got you, old man.

With a drawing of Danny doing some kind of funny face.

(What does Danny look like? Well here, but his looks will be explained later on:))

(What does Danny look like? Well here, but his looks will be explained later on:))

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"Danny Phantom was an ally of mine. He fought with Garmadon and I during the battle with the Anacondrai," Sensei Wu explains.

"Don't tell me he like betrayed you or something, because that's just cliché," Jay complains.

"No. He tricked me. One day, he told me that the leaders of his village were helping the Anacondrai. I quickly came to help him. However, it seems he only wanted my help so that HE can control the village. When I found out, we ended up battling. Unfortunately, he beaten me because every move I tried to hit him with, he's able to use it against me. I was lucky that I survived. Garmadon saved me and together we took Danny down. Later on, Danny died for an unknown reason," Sensei Wu explains.

"Whoa." The Ninja react.

"So, why would he want the jade?" Cole asks.

"If he combines it with a powerful source, it can become the strongest and indestructible weapon of our world. We must get it back before Danny uses it for evil," Sensei Wu says.

"Don't worry, Uncle. We will," Lloyd reassures him.

"We need to stop him...but where does he live?" Cole wonders.

"In the Underworld," Zane suddenly answers. "But it isn't easy to get there. You can't use dragons anymore, for the ruler blocked any means of transportation."

Everyone stares at him again. Seriously. How does he know?

"How do we go there then?" Kai asks.

"You need to call on...King Dulock."

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