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Danny and Morro are now in the Living World.

''Which village should we blow up first?'' Danny asks.

''Hmm...I don't know─oh hi Ghost Droid 1.0,'' Morro says as he sees Zane with them.

''Sir, I have defeated the Ninja and they are now trap in a Vengestone cell,'' Zane explains.

''Oh, perfect. You know? Let's start with battling Sensei Wu. It would be interesting,'' Danny chuckles.

They find Sensei Wu in a Tea Shop, drinking some Jasmine Tea.

''Wu.'' Danny says (still in Yo's body).

''Yo...!'' Sensei Wu reacts as Danny attacks Wu with the Phantom Jade Blade.

''Danny Phantom!'' Wu exclaims in shock.

''Long time no see, old man.'' Danny smirks as Morro and Ghost Droid 1.0 appears.

All the people in the shop leave in fear.

Wu and Danny start fighting.

What Danny doesn't know is that Morro has disappeared.

''This blade will help me rule the world!'' Danny exclaims as he clashed the blade with Wu's staff.


Out of nowhere, Zane punches Danny.

''ARGH!'' Danny reacts.

''What...are you doing?!'' he asks, furiously.

Then, he is trapped in a rock dome, made by Cole.

''WHAT THE?!"' he exclaims.

''You're not a ghost anymore, so yeah.'' Kai exclaims as he breaks the dome and is about to punch Danny with fire.

The Masters of Spinitzu keep attacking Danny, putting tons of damage on him. Not as hard to cause severe harm to Master Yo though.

He's too shocked. He couldn't fight back.

''Earth!'' Cole exclaims.

''Lightning!'' Jay follows.

''Ice!'' Zane continues.

''Fire!'' Kai ends it.

All of them create the Tornado of Creation.

''ARGHHHH!'' Danny exclaims.

When they finished, they see Yo inside a cage they made through the tornado. He's unconscious.

''Come on Danny, stop hiding!'' Kai exclaims as he gets a hold of Yo's shirt.

''Ugh...what happened?'' Yo asks as he opens his eyes.

''He...escaped.'' Lloyd confirms.

''UGH AND WE WERE DOING SO GOOD!'' Cole complains as he punches the floor.

''At least we got Zane back. All we did was do a little tweaking and we fixed him!'' Nya exclaims.


"OK. Let's open Zane's hatch," Jay said as he opened it and─

"What is that?!" Cole exclaimed.

A lot of spider-like things were all over Zane's system.

"This could take awhile."


''Though he still needs a couple of tests,'' Jay adds.

The Ninja celebrate their victory.

''Tsk, tsk, tsk. Naughty Ninja. You thought I would run away like a coward?'' A devious voice laughs as the Ninja look behind them.

''D-Danny?! Seriously, after all our hard work?!'' Jay reacts, about to faint.

''Sure, A for effort. You surprised me. But all you did was beat up poor Master Yo, while I was inside his body. I felt the pain, yes, but the second I came's like we never battle before,'' Danny smirks.

''Well, are you gonna take us seriously now?'' Lloyd asks.

''Serious? You all don't deserve to be taken seriously,'' Danny laughs.

Suddenly, the closet of tea cups burst open.

''I'M TAKING REVENGE FOR PUNCHING ME, KNOCKING ME OUT AND THEN TRAPPING ME IN THERE!'' Morro complains as he falls out of there. Long story short, the ninja used Deepstone to hit Morro.

''The real fight begins,'' Danny smirks as zombies rise from the ground, ghost flying into the store, and skeletons breaking in. At the same time, Inferno and Morro go by Danny's side.

How will the Ninja fight through this?

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