The Bug, Ghosts, and Zombies

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DarthPrincess: This is getting good...let's pretend this is some next episode or something.

Me: Seriously?

DarthPrincess: Hey, I'm the one who thought of the Mail Time thing.

Me: Fine.



"Oh my goodness, the whole act of "Good-bye, sensei" was tiring." A familiar voice complains.  

"You're lucky I had a backup plan, and you actually did Phase 1 of it. That's why I'm not that angry when you failed," the second voice explains.

"Oh...the bug?" First voice asks.


Princess Rosetta and her Crimes..Episode 123

''Don't change the channel!'' Jay exclaims.


An ice shuriken strikes at the center of the TV.

"Um Zane... Are you OK?" Nya asks with worry.

"Oops. Sorry about that. I don't know what gotten into me."


"It's been a while, Master Yo," Sensei Wu says.

"I'm here to warn you," Master Yo answers in a serious tone. "I sense a very dark presence lurking nearby."


"It's here," Master Yo says.


"*sigh* Ninja...I haven't told you this, but I guess I have to. They escaped...into the Underworld."


''We need the Jade of Destruction.''

*Dramatic Music plays*


"IT'S A BOMB!" Jay reacts.




"Oh's...Danny Phantom, the Element of Corruption," Sensei Wu says.


"King Dulock is the ruler of the Underworld.  In order to go to the Underworld, you need to summon him.''

"Wait a second...King Dulock? I've heard that name before! Wasn't he...the great great great like really great grandfather of Princess Rosetta?!" Jay remembers.

"Okay, how is that related?" Nya asks.


"The Ninja are probably looking for me and thinks of summoning you, so distract them.'' Danny says.

''No problem,'' King Dulock replies.

"I sense something," Master Yo says as he finishes meditating.

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