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"FIREEEE!" Kai exclaims as he shoots fireballs continuously.

Nya and Jay hit the dummies with their powers and weapons.

Zane and Cole fight each other with Lloyd as the referee.

Their sensei is watching them.

The ninja are training hard, when suddenly an unexpected visitor appears.

This visitor is older than them but slightly younger than Sensei Wu. He is wearing a full black ninja attire with a crescent medallion hanging around his neck. His thick eyebrows and frown gives off a serious and intimidating expression that alerts everyone who sees him.

"Um...who's he?" Lloyd asks.

"It's been a long time, Master Yo," Sensei Wu says.

"Wait. You know him?" Kai asks.

"This is Master Yo. He was my companion in several journeys. He specializes in understanding the Dark and Supernatural Forces, and can sense if one is threatening our world," Sensei Wu explains.

"I'm here to warn you," Master Yo answers in a serious tone. "I sense a very dark presence lurking nearby."

"Wow. Apparently Sensei Wu can also sense if there's a Dark Force!" Jay exclaims, laughing.

No one laugh.

"Oh...tough crowd."

"This is no laughing matter. We have to hurry. Something is trying to infiltrate your shi─"




Everyone can feel the Bounty shake.

"What was that?" Nya asks.

"It's here," Master Yo says.

Suddenly, a monster bursts out of no where and breaks the floor. His eyes are flaming. Literally. His whole body is made out of fire.

"INFERNO!" He shouts as the deck is catching fire.

"What is that?!" Lloyd reacts.

"That's the least of our problems. He's destroying the Bounty!" Cole exclaims.

"There's only one fire person around here. And that's me!" Kai says as he's about to create a fireball.

Inferno runs through all of the Masters of Spinjitzu. He avoids all their obvious attacks. Surprisingly, he stops in front of Master Yo.

"You want to challenge me?" Master Yo asks. He brings out his katana.

Inferno just smirks.

"You're funny," he chuckles.

After saying that, he grabs Master Yo's wrist... burning it.

"ARGH!" Master Yo reacts.

Inferno grabs Yo's katana with his other hand and disappears.

Fortunately, thanks to Nya's water powers, the deck just got scorch marks.

"What...was that!?" Jay reacts.

"He avoided all our attacks!" Lloyd comments.

"And why did he took Master Yo's katana?" Kai asks.

"Well, it might be related to something Sensei Wu is hiding from us," Zane replies. Wait. How do I know?

Everyone stares at him.

"*sigh* Ninja...I haven't told you this, but I guess I have to. You destroyed the Cursed Realm, but I believed that most of the ghosts escaped before that," Sensei Wu explains. "They escaped...into the Underworld."

"Underworld? As in the place that changed its whole system after we left? And that there is now a new ruler who died in a chest? A ruler of a forgotten kingdom, possibly related to Princess Rosetta?" Zane asks.

Everyone stares at him again.

"That's ridiculous," Jay reacts.

"Yes. I'm impressed that you're well informed. As the Underworld is a place where the deceased stay until judgement, creatures are also formed there. That's where Inferno came from," Master Yo explains.

"And like Zane mentioned, something happened," Senseo Wu says. "With Samukai and Garmadon (when he was evil) gone, there was no one who could rule the Underworld. That all changed when some of the skeletons found a chest. They opened it, and there King Dulock, the ruler of a forgotten kingdom, arose. He became King of the Underworld and changed the entire system."

''Okay, this is so much to sink in,'' Nya reacts.

"I must be going now," Master Yo says. "I have something important to do. And Sensei Wu, you should be careful. I sensed that someone is trying to steal the Jade of Destruction." And he disappears into thin air.

"So you're saying destroying the Cursed Realm is just the start?" Lloyd asks, changing the subject.

"Yes. It's just the beginning," Sensei Wu replies.


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"So...what is this 'Jade of Destruction'?"

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