5: Growing Tension

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My alarm clock croaked out some annoying pop song that my brain couldn't register at the moment. I groaned and slapped it off, laying in bed for a few minutes after doing so. This has to be the hardest part of my day, getting the courage to get out of bed. After a few minutes, I finally dragged myself out, promising my bed that I would make up for lost time tonight.

As I showered, I took the time to think. It's been a while since David requested I introduce he and Cameron. To be totally fair, they've been doing a good job of not running into each other. David decided that he preferred sitting with the jocks, and hasn't moved back to our original table. Bianca seems to go wherever he goes, and Tremaine has been on vacation. So, I've been spending my lunches with Cameron. Not that I'm complaining. He's really good company, especially at a time where I'm questioning where my friends' loyalties lie.

After my shower I stared at my closet, deciding I want to look nice. Or at least presentable. I pulled out a pair of teal skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a white cardigan. With my black ankle boots, the outfit was complete.

Plugging my phone into my speakers, I danced to the music while I dressed. It's a lot harder than it sounds. You try pulling on skinny jeans while simultaneously singing into a hairbrush microphone. By the time I finished, I had no energy to do my hair properly, so I brushed it back into a ponytail.

I went downstairs to make breakfast, and found Brittany downstairs waiting for me. When she saw me, she ran an attached herself to my side, hugging me hard.

"Morning Tracey!" she said excitedly. Are all children morning people?

"Good morning Brit-Brit, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Eg-gos, Eg-gos, Eg-gos," she chanted.

I laughed. "Waffles it is then."

I walked into the kitchen, and I was welcomed by the presence of my father reading a newspaper. It really irked me that mom took him back, just like that.

"Good morning," he said cheerily.

"It was, until I saw you," I muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"I was clear." I said shortly.

"Now, that's no way to talk to your father," he said sternly.

"Maybe not, but I think it's the right way to talk to a man who cheats on his wife."

He put down the newspaper. "Listen, that's none of your business-"

I stopped him. "That's where you're wrong. This is my mother we're talking about it. I may not agree with her decision to take you back, but there's nothing I can do about that right now. But know one thing- I'm watching you. So you better watch your step. The next time I have even an ounce of proof that you're cheating, I will see to it that you never live in this house again. That's a promise."

Leaving the kitchen, I grabbed my bag and fled the house.

I don't understand what's wrong with me when it comes to that man lately. Just being in his presence is enough to turn me into a raging bitch. I'm usually more composed than that, but that man just really pushes my buttons. It's hard to believe that's the man I called my father for sixteen years. It's hard to believe that I once had respect for him. My mom may have forgiven him, but I sure haven't. I don't believe the last time he cheated was his last time, either. He probably still banged that slut on the business trip even after they got into that argument. I wouldn't be surprised.

As I put the keys in the ignition, I realized that I forgot to make Brittany breakfast, and I forgot to eat myself. Oh well. Hopefully that man still has enough sense not to let his child starve. Pulling out of the driveway, I focused on the scenery to get my mind off of things. We were well into Autumn now, and colorful leaves were everywhere. They fell from the trees lazily, floating around in the air before settling on the ground. That calmed me as I made my way to school.

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