•2• The Only Slytherin

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The teens heard Kreacher's mumbling insults, as footsteps approached the room. Hermione and Ron stood up moving closer towards the door, as Hailee steadily remained where she was. With a thrash, the door opened, revealing a tired looking Harry Potter.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, throwing her arms around Harry's neck. "Are you alright? We overheard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything." "Let the man breathe, Hermione," Ron exclaimed, as Hermione released her dull looking friend.

"And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrages. I've looked it up. They simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair," Hermione expressed. Harry nodded in her direction, as he inhaled a deep breath in, "there's a lot of that going around at the moment."

Harry sat himself down onto the floor, as his two best friends sit next to him. The boy looks to see Hailee Black in the corner of the room, his eyes trailing her, she'd grown up over the holidays, even Molly pointed it out to Hailee's embarrassment.

"What's Black doing here?" Harry muttered bitterly, though taking the acquaintance in a joyful manner, but did not show it.

Harry has had a crush on the Slytherin girl ever since he met her on the Hogwarts Express, but she never felt the same why and still doesn't. He is a great Gryffindor and his love was a sarcastic Slytherin, and he hated it.

Hailee looked up seeing Harry looking directly at her. She slammed the load of waffle of a news paper shut, placing it in her lap. "If you must know Potter, my father is in The Order," she explained. "I think I figured that out for myself." Harry mumbled, causing Hailee to tilt her head to the side like a puppy, "then way ask?"

Harry tore his vision away from her mesmerising beauty and looked at Hermione. "So what is this place?" Harry asked looking around the place. "It's headquarters," Hermione started, "of the Order of the Phoenix, little old Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought Voldemort," Hailee finished, Hermione glared at her.

Ron flinched at the mention of Voldemort's name, "grow up, Weasley! Fear of the name only increase fear itself," Hailee snapped, her cat hissed again. "Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose?" Harry outraged, "I've gone all summer without a scrap of news."

"We wanted to write, mate. Really, we did. Only," Ron went on, which angered the Potter boy. "Only what?" "Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything," Hermione said gently. "Dumbledore said that?" Harry asked. Hailee tried to compress a laugh but was failing miserably.

Harry was growing with obvious anger, "Why does she have to listen in?" Hailee smiled sweetly, "Because, I have ears, I can't just block out the tune of your voice, no matter how much I wish I could Potter." "Oh shut up Black, or I'll-"." Harry's temper was on edge. "Or you'll what?" Hailee mocked, Harry stayed silent. "That's what I thought." She snapped.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other awkwardly, before turning back towards their friend and telling him to calm down. "But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. I'm the one who saw Voldemort return, the one who fought him, I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed."

Before the two friends of Harry's could say something, the Weasley twins apparated in out of nowhere. "Harry," one of them said, "thought we heard your dulcet tones," the other said.

"Don't bottle it up though, mate, let it out." "If you're all done shouting," one of the twins started, "do you want to hear something a little interesting?" the other twin finished.

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