•13• Hagrid's Half Brother

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After Dumbledores shocking disappearance, Fudge declared Umbridge the Headmaster of the sinking Hogwarts School of No Magic. The once magical school was now in total chaos.

Hailee Black felt like she was suffocating, Umbridge had so many ridiculous rules added it felt like something as simple as breathing was banned. Harry silent as a mouse, he kept thinking Dumbledores quick absence was completely his fault and Hailee could not help but feel the same.

OWLs were come up for the fifth years, as they were all in a frenzy of panic and worry. Hailee wondered if failing was Umbridges pink cup of tea, was there a punishment for getting something wrong or failing it completely?

The foursome walked along the bridge, fully dressed in winter clothes as the cold climate created sharp ice to hang from the roof of the bridge.

"Harry, if it's anyone's fault it's ours." Hailee said, watching the guilt filled boy look out into the foggy horizon. "Yeah," Ron started, agreeing with his new friend, "we talked you into it." Harry sighed and faced the trio, "and I agreed, I've tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse." Harry turned to the scenery. "It doesn't matter anymore, because I don't won't to play anymore, all it does is make you care and the more you care the more you have to lose."

Hailee looked down at her black leather boots as she saw Harry glare at her from the corner of his green eyes.

"Maybe it's just better to-" "to what?" Hermione interrupted. "To go it alone." The boy finished as he turned back to his friends again. "Psst, psst." A harsh whisper sounded in Hailee ear. The foursome looked to see Hagrid, peering around the end of the arch door. "Hagrid?" Harry asked softly.

"Do you have any idea were he's taking us?" Ron whispered to Hailee. But all she did was shrug and focus on her steps as they walked deeper into the Forbidden Forest, her hand on Ron's shoulder for support as she stepped over roots. "Hagrid, why can't you just tell us where you're taking us?" Harry asked.

Just that second, loud gallops echoed pass them as brown figures zoomed past there eyes. "I've never seen a centaurs so close." Hagrid said astonished. "Those were centaurs?" Hailee whispered as an instinct, cradling her chest in her arms afraid she'd catch a chill.

Hagrid nodded before he continued, "if the Ministy restricts there territory much more there gonna have a full uprising on there hands." "Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione spoke up, fear in her voice.

"Trust me," Was all Hagrid said.

They continued walking walking deeper and deeper.

Hailee struggled to get past the tree branches that were scattered all around the forest floor. "Careful there." Hagrid huffed as they passed a huge log. Hailee was the unlucky the smallest of the group as she slipped over and face planted into the dirt, "please say this is mud." Hailee grumbled, getting a laugh from Ron.

"Shut up Weasley." Hailee mumbled as she threw a handful of dirt at the red-haired boy, before wiping her face uncomfortably with the jumper that was tied around her waist. Ron dodged the muck and smirked, "stop mucking around you two!" Hagrid said.

Ron helped Hailee up.
Hermione and Harry glared at the two, obviously jealous.

They continued going into the forest. "Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione asked again, getting annoyed. "I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you four. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone, I'll likely be getting sacked any day now. And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him," Hagrid explain as they stopped. 

"Grawpy," Hagrid introduced, as the foursome looked up at a full grown giant, tied to a tree so it can't roam around. "Bloody hell," Hailee and Ron trailed off, as they all looked shocked, staring up at the giant. The giant had is attention on a flock of birds that flew around his head. Grawpy tried to catch the birds as they flew of the foursomes heads, making them duck quickly.

"I couldn't just leave him, because—because he's my brother."  "Blimey," Ron muttered as they all stood up again from there crouching position. "Well, half brother, really," Hagrid reexplained. In a swift though rough motion, Grawpy grabbed Hailee, pulling her back up towards his face. The giant looked at Hailee carefully, inspecting her almost. 

"Hagrid, do something!" Harry shouted, as Hagrid looked a bit picky on what to do. Hailee looked down at the ground which was a rather long way down, so she quickly turned her attention to the giants hideous face. Ron had picked up a large stick hitting Grawpy in the leg but all it did was snap against his foot, as the giant just looked down. 

"He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high spirited, is all," Hagrid pleaded, "Grawpy, that is not polite," he scowled the giant. "That's your new friend, Hailee Lily Black," Hagrid said. 

"Put. Me. Down," Hailee demanded, pointing her finger at the giant, "now." Grawpy had placed Hailee back on the ground, as Harry turned to her concernedly, "you okay?"  Harry asked, he hesitated weather to put an arm around her shoulder comforting, but declined.

"I'm fine, he's just got a bit of a firm grin, that's all." Hailee said, hugging herself for the cold exposure. Grawpy turned around and started playing with some things at the base of the tree he was tied to. "I think you got an admirer." Ron said to Hailee. "He gets his own food and all. It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone," Hagrid explained, when Grawpy turned around he held the handles of a bicycle and began to ring the small bell with his large fingers.

The foursome and Hagrid stared at the giant in a mixture of awe and confusion. Grawpy handed Hailee the bicycle handle and waited. Hailee and the others were rather confused until Grawpy rung the bell again and beckoned Hailee to do it as well. The brunette copies his movements and rung the bell, making the giant clap his hands and take the bell.

"You will look after him, won't you? I'm the only family he's got," Hagrid sadly asked. The four solemnly agreed to look after the giant, well Harry, Ron and Hermione half heartedly agreed, Hailee denied it straight away. After a whole lot of convincing and dessert bribes, Hailee agreed to help, they now had another responsibility and problem on there hands.

"Yay." Hailee mumbled sarcastically, twirling her finger as they then walked back towards the castle in silence.

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