•3• Professor Umbridge

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Hailee Black coughed uncontrollably as the Hogwarts express' funnel tooted out a radiant of grey cloud. The  smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the crowd while cats of every colour wound her here and there between their legs, purring gently. Owls hooted over head while some scraped the side of their cages. The first few carriages were already packed with students, hanging there heads out windows, talking to there families or already waving goodbye.

Hailee Black grunted, she had never experienced that emotion, her father could not even step out of the hidden house without being immediately shipped off to Askaban with a one way ticket. Hailee usually had to get here by a muggle transport, a bus. She hated how crowded it was, you had to stand up and hold on to anything possible while being squished against a bunch of strangers. It was the resting place for a viral disease. Her hair went red but it gradually faded back to her original brown.

"Padfoot, are you barking mad, you'll blow the whole operation!" Mad Eye said to the black shaggy dog as they all found there way to platform 9 1/3. Hailee speeded ahead, not bother to talk to them, her father never took the attention to her, he is only risking his neck for Saint Potter, he never cared about her only his Godson.

Minutes pasted and Hailee could not find her friends anywhere, not to mention the constant struggle of trying to move threw the crowded people.

Hailee saw Potter stand in the middle of the pathway, staring into a sea of people, his breathing heavy. "Harry, are you okay?" Hailee asked, waving her hand in front of his face. She instantly regretted saying that, it sounded as though she cared, which the brunette secretly did, maybe. "Oh yeah, I-uh, I'm fine, I'm well, I ah-" Harry stuttered. Hailee giggled, "Your so cute when you do that." Harry blushed a deep red. "I'm kidding!" Hailee said, laughing at the tomato in front if her. "Cya Harry." Hailee winked before disappearing into the sea of students before loosing her way.

She peeked on her tiptoes to look over the heads of people, until she saw a noticeable blonde in the crowd, hopping onto the train. "Hey—Draco!" Hailee waved her hands around trying to catch her friends attentions as she made her way onto the train.

Hailee walked towards the compartment that sat her Slytherin friends: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini. Crabbe and Goyle weren't really her friends, she truly hated them for some reason. Maybe it was there disgustingly ugly faces, or there overwhelming bullying towards younger years, though Draco is partly to blame because of it. Hailee always complains that it is a negative vibe.

"Hailee, finally!" Pansy screamed. "Sorry, bloody stupid muggle transport." Hailee muttered, only loud enough for Pansy to hear.

"You rode on Muggle transport," Draco complained with astonishment written all over his cold voice. Hailee laughed lightly, "calm down Draco, it's not as if they didn't manipulate my mind." She said in a 'spooky' tone. Draco playfully rolled his eyes as he started talking to Blaise.

"Where's Harry?" Pansy asked sweetly. The cat poked his head out from Hailee's bag. Parkinson cooed and picked him up. Harry was the name of Hailee's black cat, though she named him that before she met Potter and before she even knew there was a Chosen One. But lots of people still teased her about it.

Hailee sat back in her sit, as she watched the scenery outside past by, her hair turning orange, tranquility. She heard bits and pieces of her friends' conversations and the occasional screeching of Malfoy and the hiss of her cat or the other way around. She knew that were talking about pity Potter and how him and Dumbledore are mental. She would agree with Harry being crazy, but she knew he wasn't, well when his not under pressure which is never. With her father being in The Order, she knows Voldemort is back, though she had her doubts laced with her verge of possibilities.

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