•11• The Gryffindore And The Ravenclaw

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There second term was under full swing, and under Umbridge's strict control. Hailee Black was definitely ready to drop out, getting real tired of the pink toad's face and rules. The brunette witch stayed with the trio more often than she thought she should, much to her old Slytherin friends dislike.

All the Slytherins would send her dirty looks or gestures, but there verbal abuse did not affect her, she turned the other cheek and would continue her trek down the hall.

And with the infamous trio trusting her, Hailee finds herself more comfortable with them. Hailee thinks it made her a better person, by hanging out with better than average people, she wasn't as cocky and mean as before. Though she still contained her sarcastic streak.

Hailee walked with Harry and Cho Chang, as she held her Dark Magic spell book in her hands. She didn't understand why she was walking with Harry and his two year long crush; Cho Chang. Maybe it was because she was originally with Fred and George, trying out there new merchandise. But the next thing she knew, Harry was dragging her off to Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall.

The brunette again felt the pang of jealously hit against the pit of her stomach. Hailee wanted to scream, jealous was not a new feeling for her, but she suffered with coping with it.

Two days before, Hailee caught Harry and Cho full on making out in the hallway. Her heart shattered into into a million tiny pieces, her chest heaved in and out as shallow breathing drowned her in salty tears. The next thing Hailee knew she was running down the hall, her tears trailed down her cheeks. If last year wasn't a emotion roller coaster, then she has not seen shit yet.

Hailee wasn't jealous of Cho Chang. She didn't care that Harry was laughing with her. Hailee didn't care that Cho had kissed Harry at the last DA meeting or in the hallways. Regardless of what Hailee doesn't care about, she knows, deep down inside of her, she cares.

"Harry, Hailee," Hermione shouted, with Ron running behind her, as they both pushed past people. The two stopped as Hermione spoke up, "Hagrid's back."

A leap of excitement had sparked in Hailee's heart. She throughly enjoyed Hagrid teaching Care of Magical Creatures, she missed not having the half giant at Hogwarts.

"Excuse me." Harry said to Cho, before running after his three friends. The foursome ran down towards Hagrid's hut, stopping abruptly. "Why is Umbridge here?" Ron whispered, as they hid behind the window.

The trio shrugged just as confused as her. They then turned back towards the window, able to hear what the two were talking about. "I will say this one more time," Umbridge's sharp voice told him, "I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been," she demanded. "I've told you. I've been away for me health," Hagrid gruffly said. "Health?" Hailee mouthed, as she turned towards a confused Harry.

"Your health?" Umbridge asked, not buying the excuse. "Yeah. Bit of fresh air, you know." "Oh, yes. As a gamekeeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by," Umbridge slowly said, looking around the small hut. "True, true," the brunette agreed, nodding her head in agreement. And that's something Hailee thought she would never do, agree with Professor Umbridge.

The trio shushed her as she rolled her eyes at them. "If I were you, I should't get used to being back," Umbridge sternly said, "in fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all." With one last snooty look, Umbride stride out of the
hut—spraying it with a flower fragrance— and to the castle.

The foursome made their way inside to Hagrid. Hailee had met Hagrid the previous year, she never really enjoyed his company for some reason. "This is top secret, right?" Hagrid asked suddenly.

"Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants," the half giant softly spoke. "Giants?" Hailee asked, "you found them?" "Well, they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. They're so big, see?" Hagrid answered her questioned, referring to the big black eye.

"I tried to convince them to join the cause, but I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over." "Death Eaters?" Ron asked. "Yes. Trying to persuade them to join You—Know—Who." "Did they?" Harry curiously asked.

"I gave them Dumbledore's message. Suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them. I suppose." "And they did this to you?" Harry concernedly asked, referring to the scars, scratches and black eye on his face. "Not exactly no," Hagrid shook his head, as he placed a steak on his black eye.

Fang barked, drooling over the raw steak that Hagrid had placed over his black eye. "Oh, go on, you have it then, you dozy dog." Fang took the steak with appreciation as he chowed down, hungrily on it.

Hagrid turned towards the window, watching dark clouds cover the sky over the castle. "It's changing out there, just like last time." "There's a storm coming, Harry. We'd better be ready when she does."

With all that said and done, Hailee was in quite a shock till they reached the castle. Hermione and Ron went up to the Gryffindor common room, telling Harry that they would meet him up there. Harry agreed to walk Hailee down to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was at.

After awhile, Harry noticed that Hailee wasn't her usual bitchy, talkative self. "Why are you looking at me like that." Hailee asked, not turning to face the blushing boy. "Do I have something on my face?" Hailee teased. Harry looked up at her. "Your different." He said. Hailee nodded, "you've already told me that, thrice now." Harry leaned in to kiss her, but Hailee instantly dodged in and slapped him on the cheek. "Your different to, but not in a good way!" And with that she rushed down the hall by herself to the Slytherin common room.

Hailee made her way past Pansy, ignoring her glares as she left the common room. The friends still weren't on speaking terms, none of the Slytherins were. She made her way to her dorm and she grabbed a crop top and long pale blue pants.

Hailee made her way to the bathroom and turned on the warm water with magic. She pulled off her robes over her head and unclasped her bra before shimmering out of her underwear. Hoping in, Hailee slid down into the bath, letting the warm refreshing water surround her naked body. She rested her head on the edge of the bath as white fluffy bubble magically formed, rising up to the top of the bath. The brunette felt calm, like she was in her own peaceful world in a crazy one.

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