•10• "Your Not The Same"

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A knock sounded at the door. "No ones here!" Hailee said, pulling her bedsheets up to her shoulders. "Are you sure!?" Harry's voice said from the other side of the thin door. "Hailee, come on." Harry's whining was endless, Hailee pulled the sheets of her body and walked over to the door and swung it open.

"Hai—wow." Harry started, his emerald eyes trailed her fit body. She recognised that she was only wearing a crop top and short shorts. "Harry, my eyes are up here." Hailee put a hand over her breast and converted it to her eyes, Harry's gaze following. "Oh, uh, can I talk to you?" Hailee opened the door even further and greeted Harry inside.

Her bedroom beheld nothing but a bed and a inbuilt cupboard. "At the Hospital Wing th-" Harry was cut off by Hailee putting a finger to his lips. "Don't tell me anything, I'm planning on trying to enjoy the summer and avoid drama." Harry scoffed, "Like you haven't caused enough today." "Okay, my peaceful holiday starts tomorrow, or maybe Sunday." Hailee said defensively, a silence filled the room.

"Your dads worried about you." Harry said. "Did he tell you to say that?" Hailee asked, "No, it's just, even since Mr Weasley was attacked, your not the same." "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Hailee asked. "None, he just misses you." Harry continued. "No he does not, he doesn't even know I exist, last time he spoke to me directly was two years ago." Hailee held up two fingers. Harry wondered why Sirius would act that way, did Hailee do something, is he holding a grudge? The truth is, Hailee didn't know either.

There was an awkward silence, Hailee coughed, "I should be getting off to bed." Hailee said, pointing to her bed. "Same-" Harry said, "but not in your bed obviously that would be just weird, I meant my bed, I'm going to be going to sleep in my bed alone, not with anyone else-" "I get it Harry, goodnight." Hailee laughed as Harry exited the room, though Hailee could tell that what Harry was about to say to her was not going to be the best of things.

Once the holiday was over, Harry and Hailee walked around the house, exploring, as Hailee tried to introduce Harry to some of the paintings, but it all went down to them saying, "Filthy half blood, get out, get ooouuuttt!" Hailee and Harry ran down then hall lauhing, running down the stairs. 

"So, you keep having those dreams about a certain door?" Hailee asked suddenly. Harry nodded, "same dream. Same door. For months now, how about you?" "Well, it's not getting any better." Harry put an arm around Hailee. "We'll get through this." Harry said.

When it was finally time to head back to Hogwarts, Hailee walked down with Harry as they trotted down the stairs. "I don't understand why you don't want to wear it Ron." Hailee said to the red head in front of her. "Cause I'll look like a bloody idiot, that's why." Hailee's eyes transferee to Harry who was making his way into a different room. Hailee followed his just as an ugly creature slowly walked past them.

"Harry Potter, the boy who stopped the Dark Lord. Friend of Mudbloods and blood traitors alike. If my poor mistress only knew," Kreacher grumbled angrily. "Kreacher!" Sirius shouted coming down from upstairs, "that's enough of your bile. Away with you!"

"Of course master, creature lives to serve the Nobel House of Black." The two of them watched Kreacher grumble away. Sirius approached the two, apologizing on behave of his house elf, "sorry about that, he was never very friendly, even when I was a boy."

"You grew up here?" Harry asked suddenly. Hailee rolled her eyes, "Yes, Potter. Why do you think it's called 'The Noble House of Black'," she mimicked the grumpy house elf, earning a small chuckle from Sirius.

"This is my parents' house. I offered it to Dumbledore as headquarters for The Order. About the only useful thing I've been able to do," Sirius stated. Harry looked at a tree, what looked like a family tree with pictures of faces and names underneath. "This is the Black family tree-" Harry let go of Hailee hand—she never knew he was holding—as he ran his fingers over certain people.

Sirius nodded his head, as he placed his finger on a certain person, "My deranged cousin. I hated them all." "You're cousin was Bellatrix Lestrange?" Harry astonished had asked. Sirius nodded his head.

"My parents with their pureblood mania," Sirius grumbled, "my mother did that after I ran away," the black—haired man said, running his fingers on a blacked out hole, with 'Sirius Black' right underneath.

"I was 16." "Where did you go?" Harry asked his Godfather, looking up at him. "Round your dad's," Sirius answered, "I was always welcomed at the Potter's." Hailee didn't want to interrupt Harry's few moments with his Godfather that he barely ever gets to see.

Hailee could tell how much her father meant to Harry. She knew that he was the only family he really had left—not counting his insanely disrespectful aunt and uncle. "Sirius, when I saw Mr Weasley being attacked, I wasn't just watching, I was the snake and afterwards in Dumbledores office, there was a moment that
I-I wanted t-to-" Harry inhaled a breath, calming himself down, "this connection between me and Voldemort, what if the reason for it is that I'm becoming more like him, I just feel so angry, all the time and what if after everything I've been through, that something has gone wrong, what of I'm turning bad?" Harry asked nervously.

Hailee realised that she and Harry had been feeling the same way about life, it felt nice that someone understood, but bad that someone had to go through it all.

"Your not a bad person-" Sirius said, holding Harry by the shoulders, "your a very good person, who has had bad thing happen to them, you understand." Harry nodded along. "Besides, the world isn't spit into good people and death eaters, we all have light, and dark inside of us, what matters is the part we chose to act on." Sirius said.

"Hailee's even on here." Harry said, causing Hailee to turn her attention to the huge family tree. As Harry changed the subject.

"Ah, yes, My mother adored her, all the family did, when your mother and father passed, I was a wanted criminal-" "dad, don't." Hailee insisted, she didn't won't to remember where she grew up, not that it was a bad thing or anything, it was just a bad person.

"She was just the same age as you-" Sirius nodded, avoiding the topic, Harry glanced at Hailee confused. "But I had not been with her for the first thirteen years of her life." Sirius said, Harry's face was mixed with confusion.

Hailee expected a sound of disgust when her father mentioned her name, but no, Sirius and Hailee have been hanging out more often. And now, Hailee actually enjoys his presence, her hair turned a pale purple, meaning she was happy.

"It's time to go now Harry." Hermione said, peering through the opened entry.

Harry glanced at Hailee, who was staring at the floor in the doorway, her purple hair dropped around her face. "When this is all over, we'll be a proper family," Sirius sincerely told his Godson.

With that, Harry and Hailee exited the room with Hermione leading. "Don't worry Potter, you got me. And of course Weasley and Granger." Harry rolled his eyes, but smiled at the brunette, before they walked out of the Black residence.

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