•6• DA And The Room Of Requirement

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After that encountered with the trio, Hailee agreed to join in to this 'fight against Umbridge, The Ministry,  Voldemort and practically everything evil' thing.

Hermione gathered a few people up to Hogshead to get on board with the whole thing. During one of their year around field trips to Hogsmeade.

"How many people are actually coming?" Ron asked. "Just a couple." Hermione reassured. "So you told a few friends to tell there friends to tell there other friends about this?" Hailee said. Ron looked at her like she had four heads. "I'm hoping that's not the case." Harry said, Ron gave him a look. "You understood that?" Ron asked as Hermione opened the door to a wooden hotel.

"What a lovely spot, Granger. You sure know how to pick 'em," Hailee sarcastically stated, looking around at the run down pub.

"Well, I thought it would be safer here, rather than a obvious solution," Hermione explained.

In just minutes, students came into the pub rather fast. To Hailee's surprise she recognised a lot of fellow students, but no Slytherins. "So much for a few friends telling there friends." Ron whispered to Hailee as they looked at the rather filled room. Hailee nodded in agreement.

"Uh, hi. So, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher," Hermione staggered, "a proper teacher," Hermione said, looking around at the students.

"One who's had experience defending themselves against The Dark Arts," Hermione continued on.

"Why?" Zacharias Smith asked abruptly.

"Why?" Hailee commented, coming out of the back, "because Voldemort's back, you tosspot." Many students winced at the sound of his name.

"Why is Black even here? She's a Slytherin!?" Someone shouted out, Hailee held a firm grip on her wand in her jean pocket.

"Just because I'm a bloody Slytherin, it doesn't mean I can't fight for what I think is right," Hailee protested. Hailee pushed herself back next to a nervous looking Ronald.

"So, Harry say
You—Know—Who's back," Zarcharias said.

"So, Dumbledore says," Ron stated.

"So, Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed," someone started off, only to be cut off by a raging Harry Potter.

"I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, clear out now," Harry raggedly put out, turning towards Hermione, "come on Hermione. They're here because they think I'm some sort of freak," he whispered.

Hailee grabbed ahold of his arm, pulling him towards her. "Potter, you're doing fine, I didn't come all this way just for you to give up," she sincerely told him, as he nodded in response, Hailee roughly let go of his arm.

"Is it true you can can produce a Patronus Charm?" A whimsical Luna Lovegood asked.

"Yes," Hermione spoke up, "I've seen it."

"Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that," Hailee amazedly expressed. "And he killed a basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office," Ginny Weasley added in.
"Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors all at once," Ron also added in. "Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh," Hermione gulped.

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