Chapter 24-Crash and Burn

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Please remember when you are full of doubts and everything seems impossible that there is still someone who believes in you: me...


I didn't drink on Jared's birthday. Well, I didn't drink too much. Only a glass of champagne. I had to be on my best behavior, since everyone decided to drink. Plus, I had to go to the doctor in a couple of days for blood tests.

Jared on the other hand was...well let's say he was more than happy to drink all the weird colored cocktails in the menu. To be honest no one could stop him. He was like a kid in a candy store.

But then again, he wasn't much of a drinker to begin with and after a few brightly colored cocktails, he was...he was just the happiest cookie around. I was happy he was happy and it was more than enough for me.

"I want to taste the rainbow!", he said at one point, swinging from one leg to another, dancing to the music.

The party ended at about five in the morning and it was my job to carry back home, a drunk Jared, Shannon and Ella back to Jared's house. I didn't know where Shannon lived so I thought it was a good idea to bring them back to Jared's since clearly he didn't lack bedrooms.

The three of them were various shades of green, Jared being the one taking the prize for the most drunk with flying colors. He was so drunk that he could barely slur three words as he leaned on me on the way to the car.

"Why drink not you?", asked Shannon slurring the words and putting one leg on top of Ella.

I assumed he asked me why I didn't drink in a very Star Wars like manner.

"Because I didn't wanna sound like Yoda.", I laughed.

"Yoda not sound like do I?"

Translation, I do not sound like Yoda.

"No don't you.", chimed Ella in.

I started laughing and looked at Jared who was in the front seat next to me. He was awfully quiet and he was blinking he eyes as if he was adjusting himself to the surroundings. Clearly, the cocktail fest he had was having a bit of a battle in his stomach.

Needless to say, the drive back home took nearly two hours, mainly because all three of them were moaning the second I pushed the pedal too hard. So I ended up driving with about twenty miles per hour, also ending up being the worst nightmare of all the other drivers in Los Angeles.

The second I pulled the car over into the driveway, I started taking all of them out. I started out with Ella, who was the most 'sober' of them all and the slimmest. She leaned on me and started humming a song by Frank Sinatra. I showed her to the bedroom downstairs that was already prepared, courtesy of me. See, I like to plan things in advance. Then I moved on to Shannon.

"Walk I can.", he said still sounding like Yoda, but a less drunker version.

I let him walk by himself and I think it was probably the worst idea ever. He stumbled down the path and  as I helped him up may have fallen a couple of times, with me on top of him, In my defense, he was too heavy for me to hold.

"You will have a lot of bruises in the morning.", I laughed.

Unfortunately he couldn't keep it in. He ended up vomiting a mix of alcohol and food straight at the entrance and a bit on my shoes.

"I'm sorry.", he said well aware of what he did.

"No worries, let it all out. I'll hose this once you're in bed.", I said gently massaging the back of his neck and forcing him to vomit again.

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