Chapter 3: Eleven

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The room erupted in applause as Luke and Leia finished performing their song for the rest of us. I looked over at Mr T and he seemed really impressed. I was, too; their song was amazing. I looked at Taylor, who was standing away from the rest of us, leaning against a wall.

Our song was good, too.

Mr T got up, beaming. "Guys, that was great. Leia, you're doing a great job with Luke. Luke, I'm really proud of you." Luke smiled, shyly as he came up next to me. He wasn't a shy person, but Mr T saying that he was proud of Luke was like a father telling his son the same thing.

"Thanks, Mr T," Leia said, grinning proudly. "Luke and I make a great team, don't you think?"

John was standing beside me, and the two of us looked at each other, suppressing our laughter. Luke, obviously, didn't know what was so funny.

"Certainly," Mr T replied. "Now, do we have any more performances?"

I looked at Taylor again and this time she was staring back at me. I nodded at her and then raised my hand. Her eyes widened, her face full of pure horror. It was the most emotion I had ever seen her show.

"Theo," Mr T exclaimed, sounding happy. Probably because his idea of songwriting partners was turning out well. "Do you and Taylor have something to show us, too?"

I turned away from Taylor and looked at Mr T. "Yeah, we do."

I was ready to prove to Mr T that I was good enough, responsible enough, to stay in Lost and Found.

That is, until Taylor stepped forward. "Uh, no," she said. "We don't."

I raised my eyebrow and stepped forward. "Yeah, we do," I said, and then added sarcastically. "Remember that song we wrote last night?"

She glared at me and I wasn't sure whether it was out of fondness or pure hatred. I decided to go for the former. It made me feel better about myself.

"Look, do you guys have something or not?" Mr T was growing impatient. Panic fell over me and my chance to prove to Mr T that I was worth Lost and Found was slowly slipping through my fingers.

Taylor and I looked at each other in silence for a moment before she walked over to me. Standing right in front of me, her big blue eyes were lakes. Big, beautiful - I couldn't look away.

"Theo," she said, snapping me out of my trance. Her voice was low, trying to keep this conversation between us, but everybody in the room was listening in anyway. "I don't want to perform the song we wrote."

"Why not?" I asked, matching her low voice, though it was ineffective.

"Because," she said and then sighed. "I don't like the song."

My face slowly filled up with heat as I stared into those lakes, deceivingly pure, but with a tongue of fire. I hummed, pursing my lips.

"Well then," I whispered, not wanting to speak any louder. I was too embarrassed to put my voice out there any more than I already had that day. "I guess we won't perform it, then."

With a hot face and embarrassment consuming me, I walked out of the rose room.


Later that day, I was in the green room trying to write a song when Taylor knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" she asked, softly. She was going to try and make up with me, I could tell by her tone of voice.

Still, I was mad at her.

"It's a public room," I stated, looking back down at the words I had written. Looking at her only brought back the embarrassment.

"Actually, it's for Lost and Found members only," Taylor said. I looked up at her and she was smiling as if she had just cracked a joke.

Taylor [Theo // Lost & Found Music Studios] ✓Where stories live. Discover now