Chapter 8: Breakdown

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I half-heartedly clapped as Luke and Leia stepped off the stage. Luke was unexpectedly guiding Leia down with his arm around her waist, after they had finished performing song number three out of five. Leia claimed they were probably going to make a whole album and I rolled my eyes at the unrealistic expectation - an album in one month? Whatever.

So far, Taylor and I had finished one song and were in the process of editing a second. We still had yet to perform anything.

"Alright, who's up next?" Mr T asked, looking pleased with Luke and Leia again. I refrained from rolling my eyes. If he loves them so much, why doesn't he just hand over the studio to them?

"Us! We are! We're next." John stepped up quickly, holding onto a surprised Maggie's hand as he led her to the mic stand. "We have a song."

I listened as Maggie and John wrote their song. From what I could gather, it was about letting go of everything of the past and looking to the future. Clearly, this song was about Michelle, John's ex-almost-lover, but for some reason I couldn't stop looking at Taylor because the song kind of hit home.

I needed to let go of Taylor.

When John and Maggie finished their song, Luke let out the loudest cheer out of everyone, only just beating Leia. I could have sworn Leia and Maggie hated each other until I saw Luke and Leia smile at each other and then continue cheering for their friends.

Leia no longer hated Maggie because the thing they were fighting over was no longer an issue; Leia had won.

"That was great, guys," Mr T said, although he wasn't smiling like he had been with Luke and Leia. I figured he had grown tired of listening to teenagers performing angsty-teen music for that day. "Before we finish, Theo and Taylor? James and Jude? You guys have anything to show us?"

Taylor and I did, but I couldn't say anything. I had completely ignored her that morning and she didn't seem to be putting in any effort to change that. We had both come to a silent agreement - whatever we had before, whether it was friendship or something more, was over. It was stupid of me to think something could have happened between us. 

I remained silent, as does James.

Mr T sighed into the microphone. "Okay, everybody but James and Theo can leave," he said.

Fear crept into my mind, along with worry. What if he's decided to just kick me out of the studio because I haven't shown him any progress?

Once everybody had forwarded out, James and I stood in front of Mr T who was still on the stage, staring down at us very intimidatingly. 

"Boys, what's going on?" Was the first thing he said. 

James and I looked at each other, mentally deciding who was going to go first. However, when I went to open my mouth to explain how I did, in fact, have a song with Taylor and a second one almost finished, Mr T cut me off.

"Actually, I don't want to hear it," he said, voice raised, and that scared me. He wasn't even giving us time to explain ourselves. He didn't care about the struggles we were having with our partners. 

I was done for. My time at Lost & Found was over.

"You boys better start stepping up your game and showing some responsibility because my threats are never empty," he warned. I felt my eyes burning. Dammit, Theo! You are not going to cry right now. "Now, get out."

James and I didn't question or try to explain ourselves again. We knew Mr T's deal - he was stubborn and tough, there was no getting through to him.

Taylor [Theo // Lost & Found Music Studios] ✓Where stories live. Discover now