Chapter 5: Kiss

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The boys and I were in the Java Junction, catching up. Since Mr T had banned us from rehearsing together until we were all able to complete the five songs, I barely got to spend time with them and I know I wasn't the only one who was missing it.

"Man, I feel like I never see you boys anymore," James said. "Like, I quit dancing so I could focus on being part of this band and now I'm not even in a band."

"Hey, you are in a band, we're just on a hiatus," Luke said.

"Wow, Luke, you really channeled your inner mum then," John teased. Luke rolled his eyes, pushing John's shoulder while the brunette boy laughed.

I smiled, I really missed them.

"Hey, how are you guys all coming along with your songwriting?" I asked. I didn't want them to know that I was worried for the fate of our band, but I couldn't hide it. If one of us got kicked out - even if it wasn't me - it would probably be the end of our band. We would all move onto our own solo projects, I'd barely see James anymore and I'd only see Luke and John at the studio.

"Great! This'll be a breeze," Theo said. "We're basically done. We're just using this extra time we have to touch up on the songs."

"Man, I have no idea what's going to happen with me and Jude. We're clashing hard," James replied. This didn't worry me as much as it would if John or Luke said it, because James was never actually part of the studio, so Mr T couldn't really do much to him.

However, it did worry me greatly when John said, "Maggie and I have had zero progress. This is going awfully."

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked.

John gave me a weird look. "I don't know, I'll think of something. I've written a billion songs, I should figure something out."

That didn't reassure me at all.

"What about you, Theo? How are things going with Taylor?" James ended with a little wink and I rolled my eyes but could not fight the smile that came with it.

"Songwriting is going alright. She's just giving me pointers and stuff right now," I replied.

"And the other stuff?" John asked, smirking.

"The other stuff is going . . . Pretty great, actually," I admitted, smiling without realising it. "We went out for pizza yesterday and she got to meet my friends from school."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa - hold up," James said. He placed his hand on his heart. "You introduced her to your school friends before me?"

I shrugged. "I just invited her out with us. I didn't think she'd say yes, but she's full of surprises," I said, remembering how our night together ended. "She hugged me."

John, who was taking a sip of his juice, choked and began coughing. Luke started patting his back while I smiled, unable to hide the pride I was feeling. John's reaction was accurate. Taylor showing affection of any kind, let alone physical, seemed impossible. Yet, there she was, hugging me after we spent the night together.

I felt so stupid for not reaching out to her sooner.

Once John had calmed down, he got up to grab napkins to clean up the mess he had made with James. Luke stared at me. At first, I thought he was trying to start up a staring contest so I stared back, but then he blinked and ignored me when I called him out on it.

He was being weird - like, weirder than me.

"What's wrong dude?" I asked.

"I just think," he paused and sighed. "I don't know, I just feel like Taylor's a little - unpredictable. I feel like you should just be careful and not get too caught up too quickly. I mean, you barely even know the girl. Who knows what she could be hiding?"

Taylor [Theo // Lost & Found Music Studios] ✓Where stories live. Discover now