Chapter 4: Pizza

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I held the door open for Taylor as she entered the pizza parlour.

"Thanks," she said, smiling at me. It was crazy to think that only a few days ago I was trying so hard to get her to smile at me and all of a sudden, she was throwing them out left, right and centre.

"It's okay," I replied.

I scanned the parlour, my eyes landing on the group of three sitting in the furthest corner possible. Typical. I led the way over to them and as soon as he saw me, Mark instantly jumped out of his seat.

"Theo!" he exclaimed, squeezing me in a hug. I squeezed back and the two of us clung to each other for what seemed like forever.

"You guys literally saw each other today," Georgia spoke up. 

Mark and I pulled away from each other and I looked at him, shaking my head. "Told you you should've picked Charlotte."

"Yeah, well, he didn't listen to you because you're constantly ditching him for your music studio," Georgia retorted and I grinned at her. It was the kind of relationship we had, and I wouldn't have swapped it for the world.

I turned to Taylor who was standing next to me, awkwardly. "Guys, this is Taylor," I told them. "And Taylor, this is Mark, Georgia his lame girlfriend-" Georgie stuck her tongue out at this. "-and Tim."

Taylor smiled at them. I felt myself getting a little jealous - when I first introduced myself to her after she got into Lost and Found, she didn't smile at me. She just nodded blankly and then sat by herself.

"It's nice to meet you, Taylor," Georgia said. "It's a shame it had to be because we both know him." She pointed at me and I pushed her face, playfully.

Taylor and I took our seats beside one another. Tim was at the end, sitting next to me, and Mark was across from me. Taylor and Georgia were across from one another. Georgia, being the amazing girl that I would never admit to believing, was involving Taylor in what seemed to be comfortable conversation.

Taylor was smiling still. I began to wonder why she was so smiley - maybe she was just having a really good day. Maybe that was the only reason she was smiling at me to begin with.

I stopped myself from thinking about it any further, because I knew I couldn't win either way. If she wasn't in a particularly good mood and was just smiling because people were giving her reasons to, then her smiles to me weren't as special because the whole world could make her smile if they really tried, it had nothing to do with me. But if she was in a good mood, then her smiles still weren't special because she was just smiling at everything.

Either way, her smiles directed at me meant nothing to her.

"So, Theo, how's the band going?" Mark asked after we had gotten our pizzas - one large pepperoni and one larger meatlovers. 

"Uh, we aren't really together at the moment. We got in trouble with Mr T, so we're kind of on break for now," I replied. It felt good being able to tell somebody what had happened. Everybody at the studio already knew, but none of my school friends did. It was a relief to fill them in on what they didn't know.

I realised then that I missed them. I mean, I saw them every day at school, but never on weekends or after school unless it was Friday night and we could stay up as late as we wanted without regretting it the next morning. 

I looked over at Taylor who looked to be really invested into her conversation with Georgia. I figured out what I could write about.

"Ah, Mr T - he always sounds so delightful in the stories you tell us," Tim said, catching my attention again. I laughed, because it was very true. Mr T was just a big grump. "But, uh, we hear about him all the time. Why don't you tell us about some new things going on at your music studio?" Tim said, lowering his voice as he gestured towards Taylor with his head. 

I looked over at the blonde girl who was still preoccupied in her conversation with Georgia. I looked back at my expectant friends.

"Uh, nothing's going," I admitted. "We're just writing songs together. It's part of the punishment from Mr T."

Both boys continued to stare at me, waiting for more.

I sighed and then added, "Unfortunately," very quietly, so only the three of us could hear.

Both boys broke out into grins. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, Bud," Mark said, patting my greasy fingers with his own greasy fingers. "She'll come around. They always do."

I shrugged. "We'll see."


The drive back to Taylor's was quiet. Music was playing in the background, but neither of us were talking. I didn't know what to say. I had already asked whether she had a good time, whether she liked my friends and whether she enjoyed the pizza. What other small talk could I make?

I knew Taylor wasn't going to put in the effort, though. If I wanted her to open up to me, I had to force it out myself.

"So," I said. "You're very quiet at the studio. You like to keep to yourself."

I don't know why I was just stating facts she clearly already knew. 

"Yeah," Taylor said.

"Why is that?" I asked. I was going to suffocate her in so many questions that by the end of the car trip, I was going to know every detail about her.

"I don't know, I'm just tired all the time," she lied. It was so obviously a lie. I've been tired before, I was still able to hang with my friends. And if she was tired all the time, she wouldn't be able to write such killer songs. 

Words like Taylor's need one hundred percent concentration.

Although I knew this, I didn't push it. Clearly she didn't want to tell me the truth. I figured Luke probably could, anyway.

We arrived at Taylor's house and I quietly observed it. It had a wooden deck that looked like it was slowly falling apart and a lawn that needed to be mowed, but the rest of the house was a nice white brick. 

"Nice house."

Taylor laughs, humourlessly. "It's crap," she said.

I furrowed my brows. "No, I actually think it looks good," I replied, honestly.

Taylor smiled slightly but didn't look up at me. She sat there in silence for a moment and I watched as the street light illuminated her profile. She looked so beautiful; everything about her. 

Finally, Taylor looked up at me. Then, catching me by surprise, she wrapped her arms around my torso. I was shocked at first, but when it finally processed what was happening, it was too late for me to hug her back. She was out of the car and running up to her front door.

I sat in shock and awe as I watched Taylor unlock the door and then walk in. I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding in and then started the car.

I drove off, smiling.

A/N: Taylor is so cute I'm so proud of myself for creating her lmao.

Next chapter is titled 'Kiss', so let your imaginations run wild.

If you are enjoying this book, please vote, comment, follow and share with your friends! It really doesn't matter how much popularity I get, but if people like it and start asking for more, then that'll motivate me to finish and to stay on track with updates and stuff. So please, get your friends on board the L&F fanfic train.

Question of the Chapter: Who is your fave boy from L&F? Mine is Theo (obvs).

Next update will be on Friday :D

Thank you for reading, I love you all (so much),

-C xx

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