Chapter 11: Hurt

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"Whoa, you what?" John asked, pausing the video game and doing a double take. 

I couldn't fight back the smile. "I kissed Taylor," I repeated, still feeling giddy over it. I kissed Taylor. The girl I had been crushing on for over a year now. I kissed Taylor! 

"When?!" John demanded, throwing his controller onto his bed and giving me his full attention.

I explained everything. How I took her to the dance with me and how she left me so I could spend time with my friends. I told John about our slow dance at the end, and how she held me as if I was someone she trusted. I told him about the kiss, how it was the greatest kiss I had ever encountered, but was interrupted by her mother.

John let out a low whistle when I was done. "Damn," he said. "I can't believe I'm only hearing about this now."

I shrugged. "I haven't exactly been in the best mindset lately," I explained. John nodded, understanding. I realised he would know where I was coming from most out of all people, because he and Taylor were similar. "I'm not sure what to do now, though. Like, am I supposed to bring it up? Or try and kiss her again? I just don't know."

"It's a tough one," John stated. "But, my best guess is to give it a week and if nothing happens, then you may need to take charge. But first, just let this situation work out itself."

I agreed. I would give the world a week to make magic between Taylor and I. But if not, then I would need to do it my way.

Whatever my way was.


Three days later, I was in Java Junction wondering where Taylor was. She hadn't been at the studio all week, and she wasn't replying to any of my texts or calling me back.

Just as I was beginning to worry something bad was happening, she showed up. Taylor entered the Java Junction with a face as blank as a white canvas. Even when she looked at me, it was as if she was looking right through me.

"Hey, Taylor," I said, standing up to talk to her.

She pursed her lips as we stood face to face. "Hi."

"Where have you been?" I asked, feeling awkward. It seemed as if she didn't want to be here, but I wanted to know what was going on. "I missed you," I quickly added.

Taylor let out a small breath, eyes still blank and void of emotion.

"Home," she replied, bluntly.

I realised I wasn't going to get anything out of her.

"Oh, okay," I said. I took a seat at my table in the Junction again and Taylor continued walking past. She didn't even sit with me.

Now I was beginning to worry. 


"What about; You stir me up and then throw me down," I suggested to Taylor for our fourth song. Once this song was done, we had one song and a week left to complete it. I was beginning to feel slightly stressed about everything. Taylor was usually the one to calm my nerves, but she was currently absent. In her place was a blunt, harsh, empty vessel of the girl I once knew.

"Elementary," she replied. 

I felt embarrassed and slightly angry. She had just dissed my writing. Again. Only this time, she wasn't trying to hide it. She wasn't doing anything to make me feel better, or suggesting anything of her own.

She was just putting me down.

I placed my guitar on the floor beside me. "Alright," I said. "What's up?"

Taylor didn't say anything.

"Why are you being like this?" I was staring right at her but she was looking at the wall behind me. Her eyes were beginning to falter, flicker. They were showing bits and pieces of emotion. "Are you okay?"

Like that, Taylor broke. She let out a loud sob as she began curling into a ball, crying. I didn't know what to do. It broke my heart to see her like this.

I slid over beside her and wrapped my arms around her fragile figure. Her entire body shook as she let out wild sobs.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"E-everything." She lifted her head to look right at me. "Everything's wrong! Nothing's okay! Nothing is ever okay."

She pushed me away from her and stood up as she began yelling.

"And you-you've broken me! I was fine being like this. I was doing okay not being okay. Then you made me feel like there was more for me!" I stood to my feet, slowly walking to Taylor, trying to get her to calm down. "You had to have a stupid crush on me and make me feel worth something!"

Taylor knew. This whole time, Taylor knew I liked her. I understood that it was somewhat obvious, I didn't do much to hide it, but the way she just said it as if it was something I shouldn't have ever done made me feel a mix of emotions. 

If she didn't want me liking her, why didn't she just tell me, instead of ignoring it?

"Nothing's okay," Taylor yelled. I was standing right in front of her now as she screamed in my face. "And it's all your fault."

She went to push me but I quickly grabbed her wrists, pinning them up over her head so she couldn't touch me. This quick action shut Taylor up.

She stared at me, tears falling down and breathing heavy. Then, after a moment of silently staring into each other's eyes, she lifted her head up towards me.

And she kissed me.

A/N: Taylor kissed Theo what.

I kinda like this chapter because it's where you finally start to realise that this story isn't so much a love story, but that there is so much more depth to it than you at first realise. It's not just about a boy who likes a sad girl and then they fall in love and live happily ever after. It's about raising awareness towards mental illness by using an unaware protagonist.

Anyway, this story is slowly coming to an end, but I'd still love it if you could vote, comment, share and follow me! I'm currently working on a four-book series following Luke, John, Theo and James as they fall in luuuurrrrrve. So once Taylor is done, I will be posting that, so keep an eye out for the series! <3

Question of the Chapter: What is your favourite song of all time? Mine is Cath... by Death Cab For Cutie. It's a real banger.

Next update on Friday! <3

Thank you so much for all your support, I love you,

-C xx

Taylor [Theo // Lost & Found Music Studios] ✓Where stories live. Discover now