Chapter 14: Found

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I ran into the studio from my car, my breath heavy. Everybody was lingering around the rose room. They had probably just finished discussing what happened with Taylor. 

"Dude, are you okay?" John asked, concerned.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to catch mine back. "Taylor's gone," I said to whoever was listening around us.

"What do you mean?" Eva asked, stepping into the conversation.

"I went to get lunch while she slept and when I came back she wasn't there," I told her. "Guys, Taylor's missing."


John offered to drive me around town, while Luke and James stayed in the area of the studio, in case she came back. 

After the incident with his mother and then Clara, John had been able to help me through this the most because he understood. He knew how to no longer take other people's problems out on himself. He was probably my safest companion in this time of me completely freaking out of my mind.

"Where to first?" John asked, calmly.

"The tracks," I told him. Silence followed.

The train tracks were infamous in our town for being the most likely place to commit suicide. Although it had only happened seven times in all its years, suicide was only as common as that. If somebody were to do it, they would go down there.

John silently took me down to a parking bay near the tunnel in which the trains passed through. The bridge was where people would jump, or they would step in front of the train. Too many options. It was a scary, haunted place.

My heart was racing as I willed myself to step out of the car. I didn't want to look and find her lying there, on the tracks, lifeless. I didn't want to look and find her standing on the tracks, waiting for something to happen. I didn't want to find her anywhere near those damn train tracks.

"Taylor!" John called out as he began walking towards the lookout. I was following behind, very slowly. "Taylor!"

John stopped walking when he reached the edge of the lookout and I closed my eyes, fearing his reaction if he saw what I was dreading. But that reaction never came.

"She isn't here." I opened my eyes and even John was smiling.

I let out the biggest sigh of relief and collapsed to the floor, just lying there for a moment as I caught the breaths that were stolen by my anxiety.

John chuckled in amusement and stood, hovering over me. "So, where to next?"

I bit my lip in thought. "We could try the hospital?" I suggested.

John nodded and headed back to his car. I remained on the ground for another moment, the relief not over yet.


John walked up to the front desk of the hospital with a lot more confidence than I had. The receptionist gave us a smile upon our approach.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" He asked.

"We were wondering if our friend has checked in?" John asked. "Taylor Dunn."

"Are you family or friends?" 

"I'm her friend," John said and then pointed to me. "I have no clue what they are."

I rolled my eyes, nudging John's shoulder with my own. The receptionist stared, amused.

Taylor [Theo // Lost & Found Music Studios] ✓Where stories live. Discover now