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I wake up from the sunlight shining through the gaps in the curtains. I open my eyes to see the ceiling and I can still feel Niall's arms wrap around me tightly. I turned my head to the side to look at Niall and I found he was already awake, looking at me.
"Morning babe" he smirked.
"Where you watching me sleep?" I asked.
"Yes" he admitted.
"Your so weird.." I mumbled. I looked over to the side of the bed and saw an alarm clock which read 11:59am.
Shit! I'm supposed to be meeting Lisa at the cafe down the road at 12:45 for a coffee!
"Niall I have to go! I'm gonna be late!" I said beginning to get up, moving his arm off me.
"For what? I'll drive you home" Niall said sitting up.
"I'm meeting a friend at that cafe down the road"
"What friend?" Niall asked, sounding annoyed that I was leaving him.
"Lisa" I said, picking up my dress from the floor.
"Oh, look I'll drive you to your house, you can just stay in my clothes and give them back another time" he said getting out of bed and finding a top to throw on.
"Okay but is this just an excuse for you to see me again?" I asked.
"Maybe" he said wiggling his eyebrows, making me laugh a little.

I got my things and then we reached his front door. "Wait I need to put these stupid heels on" I said when he opened the door. "No time for them!" he said picking me up bridal style and leaving, locking the door behind him and carry me to his car. "niall! Put me down!" I said laughing.

Once he was in the car he started to drive. I didn't have to tell him directions to my house, it seemed he already knew the way.

"Thankyou again, not just for driving me but, you know.." I said while getting out the car, referring to when he helped me out last night. "Your welcome love, I'll never let anything happen to you" he said with a caring smile, before I nodded and closed the car door making my way to my house.

I am now sitting in the cafe at a small table up the back, waiting for Lisa. It's now 1.10pm, I've been waiting for Lisa for 25 minutes! Where is she?
My phone then gets a text from Lisa. It said:
Hey Kylie, I'm so so so so so sorry but I can't come to the cafe anymore I had to start work earlier! We can go again soon though:) sorry Xx

I sighed annoyed that I've been waiting around for her when she's not even coming. I start to get up to go while I'm replying to her text. All of a sudden a man walks past and grabs my bag off the table. "Hey!! Stop!" I shout before he turns around and slaps me hard across the mouth. My cheek stings and it hurts really badly though I have to get my bag back. I start to run after him. I turn the corner and to my surprise the man has been stopped in his tracks. Suddenly someone pushes the thief against the wall and he drops my bag instantly. The person holding him up against the wall looks extremely familiar. He has a messy blonde quiff..Hold on...Is can't be....It is!....It's Niall! "Don't you dare go near her again!" Niall spits before punching the thief right across his face, making him hold his right cheek in pain before angrily leaving the cafe.
"Niall, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Just stopped by..." he said unconvincingly.
"Really? You just happened to stop by the cafe that you knew I would be at?" I asked with a small smirk.
"You should just be glad that I'm here! I saved you, again!" Niall said rather happy with himself.
"Thankyou, again" I said.
"C'mon then, sit back down again, your friends obviously not showing up so I'll join you instead" he said with a wink. "No-" "I'm not taking no for an answer, sit back down" he said turning me around, putting his hands my back and gently pushing me back towards the table. "Is your cheek okay?" Niall asked once we'd sat down, looking concerned. "Its a little sore, but I'll be fine" I said not wanting him to worry. "I was angry when I saw him take your bag, but when I saw him lay his hands on you..I wanted to kill him" Niall said sounding angry as he looked down at the table.
"Well let's forget about it" I said. "Yeah, what do you want?" Niall asked. "just a coffee" I said. "No way, you're getting a milkshake!" he said just before the waiter came over.
"What can I get you both?" The waiter said, it felt like he was staring at me. "One chocolate milkshake for me and one strawberry milkshake for her" Niall spoke. "Okay, coming right up" the waiter said giving me a wink before walking away. "what the fuck, what does he think he's doing winking at you?!" Niall said slowing clenching his fists. "Niall you wink at me all the time" I say. "That's different, I'm the only one aloud to wink at you" Niall says looking at the waiter who was now at another table. "It's weird that you ordered strawberry for my milkshake cause that's my favourite" I said trying it distract Niall. "I had a feeling it was your favourite" Niall smiled. The waiter soon came back with our milkshakes and a big smile on his face as he looked at me. "one chocolate milkshake and one strawberry milkshake for the beautiful lady" the waiter said placing the milkshakes down while looking at me, winking when he said it. Niall cleared his throat, and looked at the waiter with anger in his eyes. Why is Niall always so protective? Why can't he calm down? "That'll be £5" the waiter said to Niall. Niall gave him the money while glaring at him before he left to go to another table.
Me and Niall were in the middle of talking when the waiter came over and interrupted. "Is there anything else I can get you?" He asked, winking..again! Seriously that's enough of the winking. "No" Niall said bluntly causing the waiter to skitter off again. "He's so annoying!" Niall complained. "He really is" I agreed. "Well, as I was saying before that jerk butted in, What's your family like? do you have any sisters or brothers?" he asked sounding keen to know my answer. "I don't really like talking about my family" I said wanting to avoid the subject. "Oh that's okay" he said with a comforting smile. You know, Niall can be really mean and aggressive towards some people but towards me, when he's not being a cocky ass, he's actually sweet, I just think he tries to hide it from everyone else. "What about yours?" I asked. "My mother and father still live back in Ireland, though I moved here with my brother Greg a few years ago" he said. "What's your brother like?" I asked. "He's cool, he used to train with me" he said. "Train with you?" "yeah, I'm a boxer" Niall said looking down. "oh, I should've guessed" "what do you mean?" "Well you want to beat up every guy that lays eyes on for some reason" I chuckled. "I just don't want them going near you, what do you do?" Niall said. "I'm actually a dancer" I said. "Oh, cool" niall said. Before I could speak I was interrupted "Are you sure there's not anything I can get you? Another drink? something to eat?..a kiss?" said the waiter looking at me with an ugly smirk. Not like Niall's cheeky smirks, the waiters smirk was was if he had an evil look in his eye. "I would like you to get the fuck away from her! She's here with me, can't you see she's not interested in some rude waiter like you!" Niall said standing up. "C'mon Kylie" Niall said as I stood up. "Lets go" he said taking my hand and leading us out the cafe.
"Annoying little dick" Niall muttered under his breath as we were walking along the frosty street. We were still holding hands, even though I know it's wrong and we shouldn't be holding hands because me and Niall aren't "together" and I don't know him really well, I don't feels right.
"I'll drive ya home princess" Niall said, interrupting me from my thoughts. "I dunno" I said as we approached Niall's car. "C'mon love, it's freezing and it's the middle of December, I'm driving you!" He insisted. "okay, sure" I gave in, as I then got inside his car.
We talked and laughed during the short car journey to my house.
"Wait" Niall said before I could open the car door to get out. I turned to look at him as his gorgeous eyes, that I loved, were staring into my deep drown ones. "Come on a date with me" Niall said breaking the silence. "I dunno-" "please, I've saved you from your stupid ex at that party, I saved you from that bastard at the club, I saved from that theif and I saved you from that annoying waiter! you owe me!, I like you Kylie..." Niall said, turning shy at the last part, still looking deep into my eyes. "Ofcourse" I smiled, causing a huge grin to spread across Niall's face. "Yes!" Niall cheered. "Are you free tomorrow evening?" Niall asked. "Yeah, think so" I said. "Great, I'll pick you up at 4?" Niall asked. "Sounds fine" I smiled. "Great, just wear something nice but warm" he said. "where are you taking me?" "That's a surprise princess" he said winking. "Okay, thanks for driving me home and thanks for the milkshake and helping out with that theif" I said opening the car door to get out. "you mean saving you from the theif" he said with a smirk. "Shutup" I laughed closing the door.

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