It Was My Turn To Save You

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-Niall's P.O.V-

I looked out the window as I sat in my car along from Kylie's dance studio. We've been broken up for 2 weeks and I can't stand it. I miss her. I miss her more than I thought I could ever miss anyone. I know we hadn't been going out for very long, in fact, I haven't really known her for very long but somehow, in the past couple of months, I've fell in love with her. I don't know how it happened but I'm glad it did. She means so much to me. But now, since I had to let her go, it's like a part of me is gone along with her, like a half of me is missing.

Breaking up with her was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I had to do it. It's the only way to keep her safe. Although, seeing her cry when it was happening, that hurt. It felt like someone was ripping my heart out. I hated it. I hated seeing her cry because of me, because of what I was saying to her.

I'm sitting here along from her dance studio because I want to see her, I want to talk to her, but I just don't know what I could say. I can't ask her to be my girlfriend again because Chris would find out. He knows we've broken up because he showed up at boxing the other day and I told him it was over and she had nothing to do with it anymore. I told him that he was being ridiculous about the whole thing with his brother, the judge from the court said I was innocent so why can't Chris believe it? Even though I barely believe it myself..

But Chris didn't care and just threatened me yet again. I'm just glad he's not threatening Kylie. He has no right to. I think I'd want to kill him aswell if he hurt her.

I can now see her coming out of dance with her friends. She's laughing with them at something they must be talking about. Her smile is so beautiful when she laughs. I miss it.

She hugs them goodbye and begins to walk along the path to go home.

I get out of my car so I can go catch up with her and ask her if she wants me to give her a lift home but by the time I'm out of the car she's gone.

I can't see her anywhere. Suddenly I see the door slam shut of the old building she was passing. I run over as fast as I can. The door is locked and I start banging on it. She has to be here, theres nowhere else she could've gone.

Nobody opens up so I decide to kick the door down. As soon as I'm in I can see her being held with a hand over her mouth and her hands behind her back.


She's shaking in fear and her eyes are glued to me, I can see how terrified she is.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" I yell to Chris. I was about to go over to him before somebody grabbed me, must've been one of Chris' men.

"Niall, what a nice surprise, you can stay to watch us beat up your little girlfriend" Chris laughed.

He makes me sick. He can't touch her!

My mind races trying to think of ways to get her away from him and out of here.

"No Chris! I've told you before, she has nothing to do with this! You can do whatever the hell you want to me but just let her go!" I yelled.

--Kylie's P.O.V--

My head is spinning and I can hear ringing in my ears. Everything I can see is blurry from the tears in my eyes. When Chris grabbed me in here the first thing he done was punch me in the head causing me to fall and slam my head on the old wooden floor of whatever building I was in. He then grabbed my arm and dragged me to stand up but before he could hit me again someone entered the room. At first, I couldn't quite make out who it was, but then I heard a voice yelling at Chris and I recognised it instantly.

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