This is Harry,Liam,Louis & Zayn

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[Niall's Point Of View]

It's been 2 weeks since I seen Chris and I still don't have the money for him. I've been on a lot of dates with Kylie and it's going pretty well, but I'm getting more and more protective over her because of Chris. I sometimes get this feeling that someone's watching us but it's probably just all in my head. We're on a date right now, we're walking to the cinema, hand in hand, and we're going to go to dinner after.

[Kylie's Point of View]

Niall and I are talking while walking to the cinema. A cold winter breeze is in the air. He laughs as I finish telling him about some things that Lauren and I used to when we were younger.

"When Greg and I were kids and we lived Ireland, there was this big lake in Mullingar just down the road from where we lived, in the summer Greg and I used to ride our bikes down the big hill and we would go straight into the lake it was so funny" he said making me laugh along with him.
"He's my brother" Niall said.
"Oh I see, do you have any other brothers or sisters?" I asked.
"Nope, just Greg" he smiled. "Liam and I would always be playing pranks on Greg, but he would always come after us and try to kill us" he laughed.
"Who's Liam?" I asked.
"He's one of my best friends" he said.
"Who are the rest of them?" I asked.
"Harry, Louis and Zayn" he said. "all 4 of them are like my brothers". "tell me about them" I asked, interested.
"Well Liam and I have been friends since primarily school, he lived in Wolverhampton in England though he moved to Mullingar when he was 11 and that's when we became friends. He's a boxer like me, he's really good at it but he's not aggressive outside the ring, he's a good guy. He's got a girlfriend, her names Danielle, she's nice, they're a good couple, they've been together a while" he spoke. "Okay cool, What's Louis like?" I asked.
"Louis is from Doncaster, he's hilarious. He's always the one making people laugh. He owns two night clubs so he's got a lot of cash. I met him at a party I was at with Liam when we were like 17, I can't really remember how we became such good friends, I guess we just always had a laugh with him and so we hung out with him a lot, he's great though" Niall said.
"And Harry?"
"Harry is from Chesire, He's a singer, an amazing one, he does a lot gigs in town and he's always been best friends with Louis which is how Liam and I met him. He's known as being quite the flirt, but he's not a player, he would never hurt a girl, in fact he would never hurt anyone unless he had to to protective a friend or his family. He's a really good friend and he gives the best advice" Niall said.
"What about Zayn?" I asked.
"Last but not least, Zayn! Zayn is a tattoo artist from Bradford, He's really good at it, Liam and I met Zayn when we were about 15 because he used to do boxing too, though he doesn't anymore. He's funny and really trustworthy, I could tell Zayn anything and if I had a problem he'd understand and help me out if he could. He's got a girlfriend called Perrie, she's cool, they're a great match for each other, they're actually engaged." Niall finished.
"Okay cool, ill try and remember all of this" I laughed.
"Can I meet them?" I asked.
Niall sighed and looked to the floor.
" I don't know Kylie.." he said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Cause they're all quite loud and full on, I don't want them asking you a thousand stupid questions and doing something to embarrass me and then end up scaring you away.." He said, his eyes still on his feet.
"Niall they won't scare me away, I promise" I said causing him to lift his head for his eyes to meet mine.
"So..can I meet them? you could ask them to come to the pizza place we're going to after the film?" I asked.
"Okay, okay, I'll text them" he said getting his phone out before we reached the cinema.

~~~After the film~~~

Niall's and I were in the pizza restaurant waiting for the boys to arrive. We were just talking when we got interrupted by a voice.

"Hey love birds!" They said sitting down opposite Niall. I looked up to see a brown haired boy with blue eyes. "hey Lou! Kylie this is Louis, Louis this is Kylie" Niall said. "hey" I said. "Hello love, how are you?" Louis said. We continued talking with Louis for a Minute or two before we were interrupted. "Hello everyone" the curly brown haired, green eyed boy said taking a seat next to Louis, opposite me. "I'm Harry, you must be the beautiful Kylie that Niall never shuts up about" He said,causing Niall to blush, as he held his hand out for me to shake. "Hi" I said shaking his hand chuckling at Niall's rosy red cheeks. Harry joined in the conversation and shortly the other two arrived. "Hey guys" the tanned one with the Dark hair and brown eyes said, his arms filled with little random tattoos, I'm guessing that's Zayn. "Hi guys, Hello you must be Kylie, I'm Liam and this is Zayn, Niall's not stopped telling us about you" the brown haired boy said as he sat down next to Harry and Zayn sat down opposite him, next to me, both of them with smiles on their faces. "Hello" I said laughing, Niall's cheeks blushing again. The waitress came and took our orders.

I've noticed that Niall's acting a little different tonight, it's like he's nervous or afraid that something is going happen. He's had his arm around me the whole night and he keeps looking around the restaurant as if he's watching out for something.

Anyway, the boys are really nice, Harry's being a little flirty like Niall said he is, though I know he's just joking cause Niall would probably murder him if he wasn't joking. Louis hasn't stopped making me laugh and Zayns been telling me about his tattoos and the reasons he has each one on his arm and what they mean. His tattoos are amazing and have such fascinating stories behind them. Liam's really cool, I feel really comfortable with him, it feels like I've known him all my life, like a big brother, even though I've only just met him today!

I'm getting up from my seat to go over to order another round of drinks for us. As I'm getting out from my seat I begin to walk when a guy bumps into me, causing Niall to jump up from his seat about to go over before Liam put his arm out to stop him, knowing Niall didn't have to go over. "I'm so sorry! are you alright? I'm so sorry I'm trying to catch that little guy" he said pointing towards a little boy who was running off around the tables giggling. "its okay, I'm fine" I smiled. "I'm so sorry, I wish he would just sit and eat his pizza! he's always up to mischief!" the guy chuckled. "sorry again, I better go catch him" the man said smiling before going to get the little boy who I'm guessing was his son. I continued my walk up to the desk to order the drinks. Niall had sat down now. I'm waiting on the lady pouring our drinks along with a man standing next to me who was waiting on his.
"Excuse me miss but could I ask you what age you are?" the man asked who was standing next to me. The man looked a lot older than me, probably the same age as my dad. "Why?" I asked, unsure as to why he was asking me this as I've never seen him before in my life! "I'm sorry it's just because you look around the same age as my daughter and her birthdays coming up and I've got her these really expensive high heels but I'm not sure if she'll like them" he said with a warm smile. "oh, well I'm 19" I said. "oh great my daughters turning 18, do you think she would like these?" he asked showing me a picture on his phone. The picture was of a pair of black stiletto high heels with gold studs on them and a gold heel, they looked really expensive, his daughter must be a very lucky girl! "they're so nice!" I said. "really? do you think she'll like them?" he asked. "she will love them!" i assured him as the bar women gave me the tray with the drinks. "oh great, thankyou" he said. "no bother" I said before walking back to the table.
I sat in my seat and Niall immediately started asking me a tonne of questions.
"Who was the guy that bumped into you?"
"Did he apologise?"
"What did he say?"
"Are you hurt?"
"I'll kill him if you are!"
"Who was the guy at the bar?"
"What was he saying?"
"Why was he talking to you?"
"Was he being a creep?"
"Did he hurt you?"
"What did he want?"

These were the questions that poured out of Niall's mouth as soon as I sat down. "Niall stop!" I said. "why are you being so protective tonight? I know your usually all protective and shit but why are you being so paranoid about it tonight?" I asked annoyed that he doesn't trust me to look after myself for the 2 minutes he's not by my side and thinks every body is out to kill me!
"I just need to protect you Kylie! You don't know what people are out there!" he said. "Niall I don't think anything bad is going to happen to me in a stupid restaurant! You don't have to be protective over me 24/7!" I said raising my voice. "Yes I do Kylie! you don't know what it's like!" He said raising his voice too. "I wish you weren't so uptight and protective and watching my every move! I wish you would just calm down for once! Your always like this and I'm actually getting sick of it Niall! I can't do anything or look at anyone without you threatening to kill them when they have done absolutely nothing! I hate that you say you have to protect me because I'm 'yours' as if I'm just your prized possession and like you aren't even interested in me at all, well guess what Niall I'm not yours and I'm sick and tired of always feeling like your protecting me from fucking everything!" I said before picking up my jacket and bag and walking out the restaurant.

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